@Gazminda On my behalf, I accept your apology. I had absolutely no problem with you except your use of the c-word to a woman — no matter who this woman was. The fact that you are a man and owner of a fanclub that carries Michael’s name only complicated the situation. I wasn’t siding with anyone, it was a matter of principle.

Owning a fanclub that represents Michael Jackson comes with responsibilities. Your club houses legions around the globe and fans look upto you as the President. You lead by example. Now that the fan community seems to be falling apart, more than ever, it is important that you lead your members and fans in general to unity, tolerance of diversity, diplomatic conflict resolution and most importantly, kindness & love.

I am someone who has been in your shoes. In fact, my mea culpa was worse than yours. I understand how heated emotions can lead you to act in a way you don't normally behave. I understand how utterly exasperating it is to deal with Taaj. I have great respects for people who apologize without a but. I am glad to see you right your wrong but please don’t beat yourself over it. It’d be extreme for you to close ur acct. You don’t need to do that. I think a lot of ppl would be sad to see u go — including me.

The certain blog and the twitter acct. are deleted.


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