
Gaz · @Gazminda

16th Aug 2012 from Twitlonger

Today I would like to publicly apologise to @TeamMichael777 Taaj Malik and @Muzikfactorytwo

After a few days of thinking I now know I should never have used the C word to anyone let alone a woman, I should also never have vented my anger at someone who was only ever trying to make me aware of my errors - therefore I am sorry. to you both.

With this public apology I also would like to make some guarantee's and assurances both in myself and that of MJJC, in seven days time my personal twitter account will be permanently deleted therefore giving me no personal platform to act in this manner again, to add I as owner of MJJC also make an assurance that we will never make reference to anyone including yourselves again, our service platforms will only ever be used in a manner that is befitting to a fan club(news, updates etc)

After much thought I know I was in the wrong, if I could turn back time I would,

Going forward I am not asking for you to forgive, however in time I do hope that we can just move forward and do what we all do best.

Kind Regards

MJJC Owner and President.

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