
~AS~ · @angelsavant

14th Aug 2012 from Twitlonger

How many choices does it take for humans to avoid such tragic mistakes
Do you think he knows that behind every war are engines of greed?
Do you think he cares, see through his eyes now of hatred, the seed
What does misery teach, but fester and grow more war, the disease?

How many choices were made, how many fingers did it take,
To push the button, pull the trigger to create this child’s fate?
If one choice could avoid this tragic mistake what heart once sober
Wouldn’t make a stand, not be the pawn the war machine demands

There’s a record book of every choice the human heart makes
It is kept by unseen keepers, each consequence choice creates
Imagine taking a peek at three, see the history of all humanity
Every stinking heinous deed, the glimpse of all times memory

What weight of choice shoulders carry upon the keepers page
Each life will view all records, the history of human disgrace
Every child of this earth will once stand at the keepers place
To feel all wounds inflicted by members of the human race

What choice will humanity make to break the cycles of wars disease?
Tell me what war doesn’t sow a chain reaction of sorrows seed
Tell me what war creates joy in the hearts of earths many children
Tell me what choice could have spared this child a life of grief.
Life outside history’s box of reruns is an island of sanity indeed.

@k_m_allan I wrote this poem in 2009 for the child in the pic u posted today..I have his pic on bulletin board above my desk and remember him every day pic..

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