For @tone_ofsurprise :P Here are the two scenes she read in the video, courtesy of @ladynetdoma for typing it up in the first place.

Chuck & Iman (feat. Bart)

Chuck: This is one of the most beautiful horses I’ve ever seen.
Iman: Thank you. My family takes great pride in our thoroughbreds.
C: I’ve been a fan of your family sources since I was a child. There is one in particular I remember seeing race. I believe she’s yours. Lady Alexander?
I: Lady Alexander was my childhood horse, and she was much loved but never raced a day in her life.
C: My father must have loved her as much as you did, because he paid a great deal for her.
I: No, he can’t have. You are mistaken. Lady Alexander was sold to a family friend and put to pasture. She was purposeless to anyone but me.
C: Which made her priceless.
(Bart walks in)
I: UNCLE BART! It’s so good to see you.
Bart: I see my son is attempting to work his charms on you?
I: Why didn’t you tell me Bart Bass is your father? He’s like family. Our fathers were such good friends.
Bart: Speaking of your father. I was so sorry hearing of his recent passing.

Blair & Iman

B: Iman? Hi, I’m Blair, close friend of Chuck’s. I know he left before he got to speak to you, but this is important to him so it’s important to me.
I: Is this about the horse? Because I know he never really wanted it. He was just flirting with me.
B: ...I don’t think he was flirting.
I: Oh. Well, I already have another buyer so it’s not a problem.
B: That’s great! I know how much these horses mean to you and meant to your father. Unfortunately they didn’t mean that much to Bart. He’s not exactly a big donator to PETA, if you know what I’m saying.
I: I’m not sure I do.
B: Bart Bass killed the tiger on safari, eats veal on a regular basis…
I: I don’t know about any of that… but he was a really good friend to my father. He bought Lady Alexander and all the others so they could live out the rest of their days on a farm in Virginia.
B: Okay, listen, Princess Jasmine. The fact is Uncle Bart is bad. I’m sure every single horse he bought from your family went straight to the glue factory, including your beloved Lady Alexander. So, look into it. See if you can find the Bart Bass Retirement Home For Aged Equines. But I'll save you the effort: you won’t! Trust me, Chuck’s the good guy here. And he needs your help.

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