@TeamMichael777 you need to get your shit together. First of all dumbass, if you're not aware, let me teach you a li'll something about TIMEZONES!! When I supposedly "got up in the middle of the night" to tweet you (cuz yea of course, I will drag my groggy self up and tweet you some shit just cuz Steph "told me so". Sure, whatever) it was actually 12.30pm on this side of the planet... Please don't make yourself look dumber than you already are, it makes me embarrassed to ever have called you friend... And honey, since you don't get the concept of "morals" or "friendship", I won't even try to explain it to you but I actually do have a brain of my own... Looking at this circus you started its funny to see how everything you're now putting out there as "new info", is something I heard years ago... And it was the same reason I ended a friendship... Hmmmm... You're actually doing someone else's dirty work now? You're actually THAT stupid that you will run with whatever bs you're programmed with at the moment, not even reflecting on the fact that YOU were the target a couple of years ago??!? You will sit here saying that WE turned you and Meghan against each other?!? Oh honey... It's true, I did send you some info about Meghan and her games, the only reason for that was cuz I ended my friendship with her cuz I couldn't stand her hate towards people she didn't even know. You think you saw what she said about you? What I gave you was a drop in the sea... I have no reason running around spreading bullshit. When you're playing the victim right now, saying evil evil me turned you against Meghan, I have only one thing to say. Karma already caught up with you. Good luck with that one ;).

I don't give a flying fuck if you act like a lunatic here, like I said before, it kinda just proves them all right. But don't fuck with my friends. When you do, I will use that thing called brain that's attached inside of my skull and defend them. Just like I did before. Just the way you know me

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