For people who don't see the logic in those events:

July 15. Katherine left Calabasas home, went on vacation/ at concert (we don't know her supposed destination point, anyway it was a lie).
Trent & TJ were left to care of the children.
Everything was supposed to be okay.

July 18. The Fam's attempt to get the Estate resigned. Seems naive & stupid, for multiple reasons. But the letter is just the tip of the iceberg. we don't know what's going on underwater. Possibly, blackmailing.
Katherine baceme a pawn of the fam. She is with Randy &Co;.
MJ & PJ already know it.

July 19. MJ accepts the challenge and starts preparing the counterattack.

July 22. PJ & Trent pronounce Katherine 'missing'.
MJ intends to provide The Fam a GREAT publicity. They asked for it.)
Let the show begin.

July 24. Provocation worked out. Janet+Jermaine+Randy visit da house, trying to take control over the situation/children. This show could be partly staged or at least prepared.* Surveilance video is not coincidental. MJ needed this document to give children a proper guardianship & care as soon as possible. He knows that Katherine can't provide it now -- she is a puppet in someone else's hands.
Tito's son TJ is a good candidate to be a new guardian.

July 25. The court gives TJ a temp guardian status. Kids are fine & safe.
Under the pressure of the public scandal The Fam is forced to show Katherine. But Katherine's behavior demonstrates some disturbing signs. Katherine is not okay (physically or psychically), her whole story is full of holes, and in spite if her burning desire to get home ASAP, she is still not there.
Why? Her Family play for time.
Why? Marlon, Tito and other 'insiders' are pushing the version Katherin was drugged. So her delayed 'urgent return' could be about her physical state.

July 26. Katherine is allegedly home.


* As to the Janet's role in that saga. Tnz don't cast off the version that Janet could be MJ's helper/agent-provocateur in Randy's team to make them doing right moves/mistakes.

PS. This is just a version to demonstrate you: THERE IS LOGIC IN IT.

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