
❨ j❀ · @sitdowninfront

14th Jul 2012 from Twitlonger

Who really is the #winner here?
Dear Mr Brailsford you may indeed think that Twitter is not worth reading. It’s where we,the fans have a voice in our sport. We’re the crowd who can’t afford to fly around the planet to show support for our team or riders. But by golly you do hear us every second of every minute of every single day. In fact you hear the passion of a fan better on Twitter singulary than as a crowd in some grand, purpose built stadium, maybe you're chuckling at us briefly from the team car, or maybe we’re on the telly decked-out in our Nation’s flag,dressed in silly costumes running up the windy road of some foreign country beside a rider. Never under-estimate the power of the the tweeting fan Mr Brailsword. Never brush aside the tweeting fans who follow faithfully and share opinions/views openly in public. We are not the rabble rousers or the hooligans that you see and hear in other sporting news. We are the people who #tag or #FF a team/ favourite rider. Show loyal support to a team of cyclists year in and year out. If we have the opportunity we go to your "sponsors" events. Support your many "sponsored" causes,buy your team kit, download your pdf's of up-coming team races, read and contribute to your websites. We sit-up in the wee small hours to cheer you on. You may be flippant or uncomfortable with the “twitter talk” but for any team worth their salt and cares about their fans, it is Twitter. A proven solid fan base with which to engage people all over the world. That can only be a good thing can’t it Mr Brailsford? 
CJ Metcalfe via that-thing-called-Twitter

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