
Lisalio · @lisaliolisalio

30th Jun 2012 from Twitlonger

[ネタばれ。ご注意ください] #TohoMISSION 2nd round (@nagoyakiko)
YH’s title was “Hot Kitchen”. He cooked seafood instant ramen. He took off his jacket before cooking. So he was wearing a black half-sleeve shirt and black apron.
YH called zucchini pumpkin. The audience was like “???” Then MC explained that zucchini is called pumpkin in Korea. I didn’t know that.
He cut zucchini, but he is kind of clumsy so it was scaring ( ;´Д`) He ate one piece of zucchini saying “I need to taste it.” He said he always broke noodle into two before boiling.
YH said I pray that the noodle does not stick each other❤ and did a praying gesture. It was super cute. For him, seaweed soup is magic soup.
When he finished boiling the noodle, MC and the audience thought the noodle was not tender enough, but YH said “Believe me! I’m chef Yunho!!” But probably the noodle was really not tender enough. He added some soup to soften the noodle.
He deveined shrimps neatly using a toothpick! MC praised him “you did very well”. LOL. He cut red pepper into pieces but the pieces were too big. He gave an excuse “It is for decoration!” He asked a staff member to bring a spoon so that he can taste the soup, but immediately after that he licked the chopsticks to taste it. Probably he thought the soup is a little bland. He put all the cut red pepper into the soup. The audience said Eeeeeeee!!!! YH: It’s not too spicy, not spicy. I’m saying it’s not spicy! It was like Changmin. LOL
CM appeared on the stage to eat it. CM said “I was watching you cooking on the backstage…By the way, did you wash your hands?” “I went to the toilet to wash hands before cooking!” CM: It looks good, but the noodle is thicker than normal one…. (because YH boiled it thoroughly after the audience said it was not tender enough.)
CM was about to eat from the pot, then YH gave him a white bowl (wow he is considerate more than I expected). CM put only noodles into the bowl, then YH said “eat with the soup” and poured the soup into the bowl.
CM said after eating a lot “It tastes good (although the noodle is thick)”. YH looked very happy. He put his both hands on his lips and threw kisses around! YH was soo overjoyed at CM’s word. It turned me on!!!
MC: Changmin-san said it tastes good. How do you feel now?
YH: I am like “Hooray!!!!!”

RT @nagoyakiko【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】ミッション④ ユノのテーマ『Hoっとキッチン』メニューは海鮮インスタントラーメン。ジャケット脱いで半袖の黒のインナーに、黒のバリスタエプロン?腰から下だけの、を郷ヒロミばりに装着してました。
【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】→ユノは、ズッキーニをカットしたが、手が覚束なくて恐い( ;´Д`) 切ったズッキーニを味見と称して1つパクリと食べてました。
【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】→ユノが麺を茹でるときは、半分に割って茹でるらしい。そして、ユノ:麺が固まらないように、お祈りをします❤ と、お祈りのポーズ。めっちゃ可愛かった。
【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】→ユノさんは、会場にもミンシルさんにも、麺がまだ固いんじゃないかと心配されていたが、ユノ:信じて下さい!ユノシェフですよ!!って一生懸命誤魔化してたpq 可愛いpq でも、本当に固かったのか、後でちょっとダシ足してほぐしてたpq
【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】→(会場に向かって)ユノ:辛くなーーいーー!辛くないって言ってるじゃないですかぁ! ←ってチャンミンみたいなこと言ってたwww
【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】→『実食!』試食するのはチャンミン。チャ:後ろで見てたんですけど、…手洗いましたか? ユノ:このためにトイレで手洗ってきたよ!!! チャ:あー…美味しそうですけど、普通の麺より太い気が… (固いって言われた後、スープと一緒に麺めっちゃ煮込んだから)
【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】チャンミンは鍋のままで食べようとしたが、ユノさんがすかさずボールのような白い器を差し出した。(えっ?結構気が効く… ) 麺だけ器にすくったチャンミンに、スープも…って、鍋から注いであげてた。(スープも飲んで欲しかったんだねpq 必死か!笑 )
【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】チャンミンは、結構何回も食べた後、チャ:美味しいです。(麺ちょっと太いけど) ユノは本当に嬉しかったのか、両手を唇に当ててチューを撒き散らすようなポーズをとって喜びを表現してた!チャンミンに褒められてそんなに喜ぶなんてpq//// 禿萌え!!
【ビギイベ埼玉午後ネタバレ】ミンシル:チャンミンが美味しいですって!ユノさんどーですか?? ユノ:やったぁぁぁぁ//// って思った!

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