Hey Jasminators!

I was thinking of making a "project" for Jasmine, and I wanted all of you to join. But this one is just going to be simple but do it with all your heart. But guys, this is going to take a little long for me to finish it but I promise you guys, I'll try my best to show this to Jasmine or her family. Obviously, I think Jasmine has inspired you by her music, right? This is why I'm doing this, I'm letting her know how S(HE) BE(LIE)VE(D) inspired you or how this mixtape made you feel a better person.

Not only Jasminators can join, everyone can, even from other fandoms, like, Beliebers, Directioners, or even Selenators, as long as you want to let Jasmine know how her mixtape inspired you. If you haven't listened to S(HE) BE(LIE)VE(D), it's available for free download at her website. (jasminevmusic.com)

Here's what to do:

- Tell me how S(HE) BE(LIE)VE(D) or any song from the mixtape, inspired you, changed you, or what it means to you. It doesn't have to be a long essay, just a simple sentence (Remember, even a sentence can mean a lot), or a short paragraph.

- Send it to me by Tumblr ask (http://justjasminev.tumblr.com/ask. If you don't have Tumblr, it's either you can ask me there anonymously, but include your Twitter username or just your name or you can e-mail me at luviejasminev@yahoo.com.

- You can definitely include your Twitter username or if you don't have, then Tumblr URL is fine. (Just your name can do, too.)

- I won't be including messages that includes your private information such as phone numbers, Skype usernames, address, etc.

- If you want to include a picture of yourself, like, for example, holding up a photo of Jasmine, then it's good. :)

- There's no specific date yet for the deadline, I want all of you to take your time. :) But I will announce soon.

It's simple as that. Remember, just a sentence or a short paragraph. This is an example:

> "S(HE) BE(LIE)VE(D) makes me feel better whenever I felt down. I can relate to the song." or "Werk makes me feel energized and gives me the positive vibes so thank you for that, Jasmine."

^ Yep, something like that. But include your name (or twitter username) at the end.

Once it's finished, I'll let you guys know, and I'll try my best for Jasmine, herself, to see this. But I hope you guys help with spreading the word! Repeating again, EVERYONE can join, even PEOPLE FROM OTHER FANDOMS. :) I hope you guys would join!

Thanks guys! Spread the word! x

- Romina

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