- Me, my life, and how it all got better -

Since discovering Justin in 2010, my life has gotten better. Justin makes me a stronger person. When I'm feeling low, he lifts me off the ground and puts a smile on my face. I know there's millions of Beliebers, and we each have a story of our own, well I'd like to share you mine.

My life hasn't exactly been the best, I really hate my past and the reason why, is because I got bullied. I don't like talking about it, and that's because when I do, I can't help but cry. I've been dealing with bullies for 11 years now, and I'm only 15. I'll be 16 on July, the 23rd. I've always been laughed at, and I've never really had 'friends'. But the bright side of actually being bullied, is my absolute everything, Justin Drew Bieber helped me to push through it.

I've thought about ending my life many times, but whenever I thought about Justin, or listened to his soothing voice, the pain would go away, and I would stop thinking about it.
I wouldn't be here today, if it wasn't for Justin. Everything about him just makes me a stronger person. I don't go to school anymore, because the bullying got so bad.

I am better now, I don't suffer from depression, anymore...but I do still have my moments when I get upset. But I do my best to smile, for Justin.

My dream is to meet Justin. I'd like to thank him in person for everything he's done for me. Being an inspiration, idol, hero, role model is one thing. But being my life-saver is more important to me. I wouldn't of been able to deal with my depression, and the situations I've been in, if it wasn't for Justin. I can't put into words how I'd feel if I got the opportunity to meet him. I have been through alot, but it's because of Justin that I've got through it.

He still continues to help me get through tough situations. I can turn to him for anything, even though he doesn't know I exist, he's my life-saver. I would literally do anything to meet him. I don't want to meet him for a picture, I want to tell him from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am for the way he's changed my life for the better, and how proud I am to call myself a Belieber.

If you guys could help me trend, #JustinMeetEllie, it would literally mean the entire world to me. I was thinking if this did trend and I met Justin, I will make a scrapbook with usernames, so if you have a message for Justin, feel free to tweet/DM me what you've always wanted to say to him:)

This is a HUGE deal to me, so PLEASE help me out:)

Thank you for reading.
Much love, Ellie.

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