
Sofia L. · @126x204

17th May 2012 from Twitlonger

Oh, our baby was trolling the reporters at the conference...lolol.

There was one story that we can't laugh. Kim Jaejoong said "I call Hong YeungRae 'Hong Cham Pan Daek', it is hard to pronounce fast. But these words keep on being used in the drama." Then Kim Jaejoong showed how he pronounces the words (to the reporters). The reporters were following Jaejoong (LOL!! you guys involuntarily followed him! XD) and showed their reaction saying "(We)understad', then Kim Jaejoong said "Good thing it's not winter".

웃지 못할 일화도 하나 있었다. 김재중이 "홍영래를 '홍참판댁 낭자'라고 부르는데, 그걸 빨리 발음하면 되게 어렵다"며 "그런데 극 중간에 그 단어가 계속 나온다"는 말과 함께 '홍참판댁 낭자'를 실제로 발음해 보인 것. 발음을 따라해 보던 취재진들이 '이해한다'는 반응을 보이자 김재중은 "그래도 다행인 건 겨울이 아니라는 것"이라고 덧붙였다.

T/N: If it's winter, it will be more difficult to pronounce the words because the cold will make you shiver :P

Source: http://star.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/OhmyStar/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0001733376

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