Green Brigade letter to Peter Lawwell on newco and renewals here:


As you will know, the issue of any potential newco’s admission to the SPL has been a source of real concern for football fans throughout Scotland.

If you had any doubts about the feelings of the Celtic support on the possibility of a newco entering the SPL, they must surely have been dispelled on Sunday. ‘No to Newco’ rang around Celtic Park and banners urging you to live up to your words and the club’s apparent ‘stand-alone policy’ received a rapturous round of applause.

Earlier last week we advised season ticket holders in our section not to renew for 2012/13 until the plc clarified their position on whether they would vote for or against any potential newco’s admission to the SPL. Season ticket holders in our section subsequently asked us to convene a meeting to hear their views, which we have now done.

It was unanimously agreed at this meeting that no fan should be expected to renew their season ticket until Celtic have informed the fans of their position on newco. Fans cannot possibly commit to such a significant financial outlay until they know whether the custodians of our club value us, our wishes and the integrity of the game more than they value Rangers FC.

We call on the plc to inform the Celtic support of their position on any newco before the 18 May renewal deadline, to allow fans the opportunity to make an informed choice on whether they renew their season tickets or not. If the plc is not yet in a position to do so, then you must extend the renewal deadline until such time as you are able to communicate your decision to fans.


Green Brigade
Section 111

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