
MIUI ROM · @miuirom

11th May 2012 from Twitlonger

Changelog of MIUI 2.5.11

New base for Sony Ericsson LT18i Xperia arc S this week, so no OTA available, pls download the full pack.

Fix native Android Chinese phonetic errors
New system search with set of sub search options
Optimization of text editing interactions
Optimize Chinese Phonetics in T9 database
Optimized support for V4 Themes

[File Manager]
Optimize the sliding fluency between pages
Optimization and upgrade of SD card page loading speed

Fix in some cases the prefix 0 fixed before the telephone number plus 86,results in dial failure
Fix SP numbers in the call log cannot be identified by their prefix
Optimization to expand the dialer to enter contacts touch area to avoid inadvertent use
Fix CDMA answer vibration is too weak
Fix in some cases FC issues
Repair call interface contact names in some cases appear incomplete
Fix in some cases Wi-Fi switch leads to the Phone FC

Optimize the contact list search results highlighting matching results
Optimization of picture pop-up, height adjustment of the panel is too small
Optimized to add new numbers to contacts, highlight newly added number/s

Optimization to edit text messages and delete, when pressing return key automatically leaves editing mode
Hide in non-chinese mode the Recommended tab settings functions (Thanks MarkHUK for the suggestion)
Fix - Compose new message button in messages list is placed in the middle of the bottom panel (Search is moved to menu)

[Lock screen, Status bar and Notifications]
Optimize the variety lock screen using dynamic frame rate, default lock screen power consumption reduced by 80%
Optimize the notification bar switch pop-up style
Fix screen wake up the screen, clock display results in delayed refresh
Fix duplicate display of operator name
Optimization of status bar notification when no SIM card is present, shows "No SIM card" instead of "No Service"
Fix problem in quick opening screen shots
Reduce power consumption caused by auto-rotating of the screen

New full-screen shutter: Long press the frame anywhere on screen to allow focus of object/s when taking pictures
Added new Camera preview feature (See Camera Settings)
Continuous focus mode is set by default in video mode (Change in Settings)

Optimize the file browser interface for SD card
Fix deleted due to insufficient memory leads to FC
Fix problem opening gallery sometimes leads to FC error when opening a picture
Fix FC caused by clipping images in special shapes in the interface of all photo folders

Fix now playing record not saved

New search settings sub key function
Add close button at the bottom of the menu, desktop keys and return key indicator

Fix in some cases the Home bookmark preview image will not be loaded
Fix HTML5 video playback image distortion problems

Added new intercept list database

Thanks to Mark for English translation.

Hey guys!

How are you doing?

We’re planning to make a multilingual version of MIUI ROM. Your translation version will be credited. And we need your support to do this. I think we’ll start with MIHOME APP 

How will we do this?
We’re still thinking about this. Any suggestion is welcome. What’s for sure is that we need your help and maybe everyone can participate in the project.
You can check this for reference.

If you have any suggestion, pls tell me.

Thank you!

目前HTC OneX内测使用的是亚太(全球版) 1.26.707.2版本,但是由于相机、兼容性、以及性能问题,不适合公测版本。

MIUI V4 for HTC One X is based on Asia 1.26.707.2 version. But there’re camera, compatibility, and performance issues, not suitable for the pubic beta version.
We have
A. Asia (Global version) 1.28.707.10
B. Europe (Global version)1.29.401.7

So, which base would you recommend ? It should be
1) Stable, for example: the camera will not FC
2) Good application compatibility
3) Official version from the original country
4) Good performance

Tell us what you think. Thanks!

Which base would you like for MIUI V4 for HTC One X? 1. Asia (Global version) 1.28.707.10
2. Europe (Global version)1.29.401.7

修复 全部图册页面,对特殊形状图片裁剪时导致FC的问题(05-10)
Fix FC caused by clipping images in special shapes in the interface of all photo folders


<string name="search_airplane">"飞行模式; Airplane"</string>
<string name="search_network">"移动网络;运营商;APN;接入点;数据漫游;网络类型Mobile network ; operator; APN ; access point ; data roaming ; network type"</string>
<string name="search_wifi">"WiFi; WLAN; Wi-Fi; Wireless; "</string>
<string name="search_bluetooth">"蓝牙; Bluetooth "</string>
<string name="search_android_beam">"NFC; Beam"</string>
<string name="search_vpn">"VPN"</string>
<string name="search_tether">"网络共享;便携式热点; Network sharing; portable hotspot "</string>
<string name="search_brightness">"屏幕亮度; Brightness "</string>
<string name="search_wallpaper">"桌面壁纸;锁屏壁纸; Destop wallpaper; lockscreen wallpaper"</string>
<string name="search_launcher">"桌面效果;特效; Desktop effects; special effects ;"</string>
<string name="search_accelerometer">"自动旋转屏幕; Auto-rotate screen "</string>
<string name="search_screen_timeout">"休眠;屏幕超时; Sleep; screen timeout " </string>
<string name="search_ring_volume">"铃声音量;媒体音量;闹钟音量; Ringtone volume; media volume; alarm volume;” </string>
<string name="search_ringtone">"手机铃声; Phone ringtone"</string>
<string name="search_sms_received">"短信铃声;SMS ringtone "</string>
<string name="search_silent">"静音模式; Slient "</string>
<string name="search_unlock_set">"屏幕锁定;密码; Screen lock; password "</string>
<string name="search_access_control">"访问限制; Access control"</string>
<string name="search_gps">"GPS;卫星;定位; GPS; satellites; positioning; "</string>
<string name="search_status_bar">"通知栏样式;状态栏;通知栏开关; Notification bar style; status bar; notification bar switch;"</string>
<string name="search_sync">"同步;Sync"</string>
<string name="search_battery_indicator">"状态栏电量样式;数字电量; Status bar battery style; percentage indicator;"</string>
<string name="search_key">"按键;键盘;返回键;电源键;音量键; Button; keyboard; return key; power button; volume keys ;"</string>
<string name="search_led">"LED灯;呼吸灯; LED lights ; breathing light;"</string>
<string name="search_date_time">"日期;时间; Date;time "</string>
<string name="search_language">"语言;输入法;language; input "</string>
<string name="search_about">"关于手机;系统版本; About phone; system version;"</string>

Changlelog preview of MIUI 2.5.11
1. Optimized the lockscreen using dynamic frame rate, default lock screen power consumption reduced by 80%
2. Fix native Android Chinese phonetic errors
3. Optimization of text editing interactions
Full changelog will be posted on Friday as usual.

Formerly vice president of design for Walt Disney Imagineering R&D and an influential car designer for Honda Research of America, Andy has been on the Art Center faculty since 1984 and has helped train designers who hold leadership positions around the world. He has a strong record of innovation, award-winning design excellence and management with more than 20 years of professional R&D experience and market success in consumer products, transportation, entertainment, interactive media and education. He is the principle inventor for seven U.S. invention patents for immersive displays, human interface systems, robotics and motion simulators. Andy has a B.S. in industrial design, with distinction, from Art Center College of Design (1983); studied executive management at UCLA Andersen School of Management; and studied architecture at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Andy Ogden

Labor Day’s coming. We’re gonna have a 3-day holiday from 29 April to 1 May. See you on 2 May!! Happy holidays to you all!




新增粉丝3165 ,平均转发187,共计113976


3.话题栏目【话题栏目】MIUI V4新功能亮点介绍(展示篇)




1. 粉丝站维护交流,本周主要内容BUG反馈、法国站手机硬件问题处理,HTC ONE X 内测、巴西站图片支持等问题,处理相关邮件45封。
2. 英文站首页图片替换及下载页修改
3. MIUI 2.4.27预告及完整更新列表翻译
4. facebook, twitter, Google+更新维护,本周回复用户在fb(35),tw (20),G+(21)上反馈的问题共计76个
5. MIUI 相关字符串翻译:闹钟、设置
6. 主题大赛活动相关工作
7. 面试相关工作
8. 【米透社第25期】国外米粉移植MIUI V4 累计已完成23款机型

1. MIUI 2.5.4预告及完整更新列表翻译
2. 英文站日常运营
3. facebook, twitter, google+日常运营
4. 活动策划

Share this post and invite 2 of your friends to “LIKE” MIUI ROM. You’ll get a chance to win MIUI V4 T-shirt, Xiaomi Android lanyard and Xiaomi protection bag!
A winner will be announced at 21:00 Apr. 16 (Beijing time).

Follow @miuirom &RT;this for a chance to win MIUI V4 T-shirt, Cap & MITU! A winner will be announced at 21:00 May 4.

“LIKE” MIUI ROM and share this post to get a chance to win MIUI V4 T-shirt, MIUI Cap & MITU! A winner will be announced at 21:00 May 4. (Beijing time)

FOLLOW MIUI ROM and share this post to get a chance to win MIUI V4 T-shirt, MIUI Cap & MITU! A winner will be announced at 21:00 May 4. (Beijing time)

MIHOME app 0.9.5 Beta released!
Download link: http://bigota.d.miui.com/miuiapp/MiHome_095beta_100_1.apk
MIUI-style, designed for Non-MIUI Android 4.0
With more than 8000 themes, wallpapers and ringtones!
Support for up to 9 screens

Changelog of MIUI 2.4.27
Fix problems with Cartoon Match Wars FC
Fix the issue of space calculation error in the SD card store information

Optimization to improve the call log loading speed
Fix service provider to show owner information, information displayed incorrectly
Optimization of Telecommunications number attribution

Support for choosing contact photo via on-line photo package

Fix in some cases, you cannot open the dial-up message dialogue page
Fix FC when selecting contact to send a new message
Clicking dial key is invalid on message thread interface
Fix contact number attribution issues numbers stored with +44 / 07 for same contact do not show contact name
Fix management of advanced settings concerning SIM card SMS messages FC
Fix draft message cannot be removed in some cases
Fix problems sending Mms messages
Fix problem when deleting Mms messages, shows incorrect annex
Optimization of new SMS time format method
New SMS / MMS application priority option to choose which application will receive the message first

[Lockscreen, status bar and notifications]
Fix lock screen when lit the time change is delayed for clock
Optimize the efficiency of the default lock screen functionality
Fix text message preview display from the Lock screen
Fix volume keys to control volume when reduced to vibration, the vibration status is not correctly shown in status bar

Optimize sliding screen gesture fluency

Add MIUI v4 support to display tray topic, edit mode to customize backplane style
Fix problem in Mixed (Customized) theme where the lockscreen wallpaper will not refresh when applied

Fix problem with SD card capacity notice when saving panoramic photos
Fix camera cannot adjust focus, sound and shutter sound problems

Optimize the photo details page and photo editing page styles
Optimization to use the name that appears for album folder rather than the system path name
Fix problem when using Gallery when opening a picture, invalid URL causes FC
After wiping data, pre-set photos are re-copied
Remove some effects from photo editing options

New "Keep screen awake" function (See settings for more info)

Fix problem restore issues with ringtones

Optimization of the vibration switch, split vibration switches into two options
Fix volume key controls, when the volume is reduced to vibrate, the vibration switch state from the status bar does not correctly show current status of volume

[File Manager]
Fix problems with SD card, selecting installation package (ROM) from system update leads to FC problems

[Download Manager]
Fix problem when selecting to only download using Wi-Fi, the download will still continue when only on a mobile network and Wi-Fi is disabled

Add new reading mode

Fix minimum volume adjustment issues, mute is still not available when volume is adjusted

Fix pop-up reminders via lock screen, rotating the screen will lead to problems

[Alarm Clock]
FC caused by pressing the camera button while ringing

Added new 4.0 user manual

Thank to Mark for English translation.

Changelog preview of MIUI 2.4.27
1. Add new reading mode
2. Support for choosing contact photo via on-line photo library
3. Optimization to improve the loading speed of phone, SMS and contacts
Full changelog will be posted on Friday as usual.

Notice on MIUI 2.3 Updates and V4 Porting
1. MIUI 2.3 will not be updated weekly from this week. Updates will be released only when there’re major changes. We’d like to concentrate on MIUI V4 for better experience.
2. Which device will get MIUI V4? For stability and smooth user experience, the devices to get MIUI V4 should meet the basic conditions:
a. With ICS 4.0 from the original factory
b. RAM≥512M
c. ROM≥1G
3. Among the devices meeting the requirements mentioned above, those with more than 2000 users in MIUI forum will get MIUI V4 earlier than others.
4. There are also many developers working on the MIUI V4 porting. We’re very grateful for your excellent work! And looking forward to your porting in the future

Thank you!

经理室Manager's Office
行政部Administration Department
运输部Transportation Department
仓储部Warehousing Department
信息订单室Information & Order Room
会议室Meeting Room

配货区 Distribution Area
发货区 Dispatching Area
收货区 Receiving Area
存货区 Inventory Area
办公区 Office Area
安防室 Security Room
进货口Stock In
出货口Stock Out
拣货区 Picking Area

Receiving area
Storage area
Office area
Security Room
Shipping port
Picking area

Changelog of MIUI 2.4.20

Optimize the global action bar height
Optimize Google apps, remove from system partition and allow for download from SuperMarket
Optimization to increase the long-press close application key triggering time (0.5 to 1.5 seconds)
Fix Instagram incompatibility issues
Fix problem connecting USB - dialogue box becomes frozen on screen to select yes / no mount storage
Fix UCAM not compatible

New Desktop phone icon to support display of missed call number
Significantly improve telephone efficiency, including open speed, search efficiency and sliding fluency
Optimize the display of the time field
Fix ending call still shows the green 'return to call' bar
Fix international number does not show the attribution or contact detail properly
Fix in some cases the call operator under the phone does not display the operators name (Developer Edition only)
Fix some SIM/RUIM cards cannot switch APNs
Fix buffer overflow problems with Call log time causing Android Core FC

Optimize repeat number of details rules e.g. (IP prefix with and without number shown)
Fix problem entering numbers containing ','s leads to FC
Fix contact selector name, number of repeated questions
Fix problem with group pictures

New single touch access to send group SMS messages
Add new v4 SMS Interface
Optimize fluency of the message lists when sliding
Optimize the choice of regular text messaging time
New support to save MMS attachment to SD card
Optimization of the new message pop-up window, touch screen area does not close the window
Send contact vCard information is fixed
Fix sending group SMS does not show sending progress
Fix problems with access control, lock screen does not show the MMS preview
Fix problems when restoring where duplication occurs
Fix too many recipients draft saved SMS responses
Removing SIM card does not display the "Save to SIM" card menu item
Optimized efficiency when adding a large number of contacts to a message
Session and list pages often do not display the time correctly for message details
Fix problem with scheduled SMS cannot modify send time

Optimize theme loading resource efficiency
Fix problem where wallpaper cannot be backed up
Fix problem in local theme details page, select local theme without "other@ modules
Fix details page, clicking the menu button causes the screen to go black
Fix application theme, lock screen style
Fix customized theme does not support module

Fix some third-party cameras cannot record video in non-automatic scene mode

Optimize default load does not automatically generate album information
Optimization of automatically generated album information algorithm
Fix some problems with hidden albums
Fix vibration issues (tactile feedback) when in multiple choice editor mode
Fix problem setting show hidden albums, the number of albums total displays errors
Optimize the Album page to speed up photo details page and animation effects
Fix USB hotplug frequently may lead to accidental deletion of files and other data
Fix problem with list of pictures created by third-party applications in the last row are blocked from view
Fix image details page to view a thumbnail (View is fuzzy)
Fix problem deleting albums / pictures

Optimization of single mode, support background playing of music

Optimize near-by Wi-Fi network interface
Remove using SIM card, Setting 3G only operator option

[File Explorer]
Fix in some cases interface problems

Fix loading for first time, opening sound options will appear with white bars problem

More secure and efficient mechanism for backup and recovery
Fix problem restoring SMS messages gives duplicated information

[Alarm Clock]
Optimize the Alarm clock settings
Fix some third-party clock applications will clear the icon in the upper right corner of the screen to display activated alarm state

Thank to Mark for English translation.

Do you know the shortcut to unlock the lockscreen on MIUI? Light up the screen and press Volume Up and Back.

Google Mobile Services moved to MIUI AppMarket since MIUI 2.4.20

Please backup before OTA. You may download these apps via MIUI AppMarket after OTA.
Please note that we didn’t delete all GMS, just moved them from MIUI ROM pack to MIUI AppMarket

The reasons are as follows:
1.This is according to the vote results of MIUI users.
2. GMS take up a lot of storage space in system
3. The full pack of MIUI ROM is 15MB smaller after this
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Changelog preview of MIUI 2.4.20
1. More secure and efficient mechanism for backup and recovery
2. Significantly improve telephone efficiency, including open speed, search efficiency and sliding fluency
3. Optimized efficiency when adding a large number of contacts to a message
4. Optimization of single mode, support background playing of music

Full changelog will be posted on Friday as usual.

上海杨浦区赤峰路63号设计大楼2001室 陈千收

Dan Brown, my email is DanDroidOS@gmail.com, and my address is:
5100 Appleblossom Dr. Apt 6
Bakersfield, CA 93309


Changelog of MIUI 2.4.13 (MIUI V4)
Recommendations of this week
1. New Wi-Fi and APN settings
2. Added support in status bar to control playback operations
3. Improved SMS bulk delete, SMS backup and recovery performance

Optimization of interface
The repair of the Desktop home button, recent task pane flash-back problems

Optimization of load speed of contacts
Optimization of the contact list and search style
Optimized contact search style

Add send SMS details to other contacts
Delete edit slide to remove MMS layout
Improve SMS bulk delete performance
Optimize SMS backup and recovery performance

[Lock screen, status bar, notification bar]
Optimization of the new notification icon in the status bar display
Optimize quick clicking on the notification bar shut down / restart toggle, the status bar reports the selected status
Optimize shut down / restart confirm dialogue box style
Optimize variety lock screen efficiency by over 30%
Repair status bar icon or operators information is not displayed
Fix error opening the lock screen Torch under certain circumstances
Fix the drop-down notification bar, status bar background flickering problem

Add new version of the theme interface (not fully implemented)
Optimize theme resource loading efficiency

Optimize recorded video is stored as MP4 format
Fix in guarded mode, from the lock screen attempting to activate the camera leads to FC
Fix if the camera is activated when the screen is locked, still AF issues

Add in sort by size and date, display picture size and date information
Added 12 pre-set picture groups and two pre-sets for screenshots
Increase capacity of allowed number of pictures in each album
New prompts for group albums
Optimize the pop-up confirmation prompt delete dialogue
Optimize saving the last viewed Album
Repair single page album sorting problems
Repair of a single album page in HTC Sensation resolution problems
Repair the Image details page to delete the last picture, cannot slide to delete
Repair Image details page action bar
Optimize photo details page double click zoom effect
Repair album and photo details page to exit edit mode, the screen flashes
Repair opening photo from Camera into gallery slide shown causes memory leaks
Fix problems with the share photo screen
Fix photo details displaying the wrong time information
Fix gallery thumbnails
Fix problems returning list of albums
Fix unusual title gradient problems

Add Nexus S to support WMA music format
Add support in status bar to control playback operations
Optimized wire priority strategies
Repair song titles with single quotes, online music player fails
Fix problems in edit mode, selecting multiple songs to add to playlist

Optimize new Wi-Fi connection
Optimize access point name (APN) settings & logic
Optimize the APN settings item

[File Explorer]
Optimization of apk classification

[LED lights]
Optimize the color and blink rate settings

[Alarm Clock]
The new timer does not set text reminder
Optimization of the timer and stopwatch button text is not centered
Optimize the new alarm clock, the time defaults to the current time
Repair after the alarm clock ringing, delete data ring
Optimization of the alarm clock memory
Fix jittery graphics problems with the timer countdown circle
Fix other incompatibility problems
Fix problem resetting the timer and forcing application to quite, returning to the application does not clear the counter
Fix problems with mangled UI in different screen resolutions

Thanks to Mark for English translation.

Top 10 Signs of Cell Phone Addiction
10. You’ve spent more on accessories than on your phone.
9. You have 30 different apps installed. And use them all.
8. You have alarms telling you when to do everything in your life.
7. You read about your phone on your phone.
6. You’ve cut back on necessities to afford your $100 a month cell phone bill.
5. A full battery charge barely lasts the day.
4. You broke it, and it feels like you lost a friend.
3. When you meet people with the same phone, you can only talk about the phone.
2. You feel a brief moment of panic when you touch your pocket (or grope to the bottom of your purse) and it’s gone.
1. You use it in the bathroom.

Changelog preview MIUI 2.4.13:New Wi-Fi,APN settings;Support music control in statusbar;Improved SMS bulk delete,backup,recovery performance
Changelog preview of MIUI 2.4.13
1. New Wi-Fi and APN settings
2. Added support in status bar to control playback operations
3. Improved SMS bulk delete, SMS backup and recovery performance

Full changelog will be posted on Friday as usual.

Hey guys, we’re dealing with the bugs of MIUI contacts and need your help. For example, a phone number in China: +8601012348888 will be saved as +86(0)10-12348888. Could pls tell us the phone number format in your country? Thanks!

Share this post and invite 2 of your friends to “LIKE” MIUI ROM. You’ll get a chance to win MIUI V4 T-shirt, Xiaomi Android lanyard and Xiaomi protection bag!
A winner will be announced at 21:00 Apr. 16 (Beijing time).

Follow @miuirom &RT;this for a chance to win MIUI V4 T-shirt, Xiaomi lanyard&Xiaomi;protection bag! A winner will be announced at 21:00 Apr. 16.

Share this post and invite 2 of your friends to “LIKE” MIUI ROM. You’ll get a chance to win MIUI V4 T-shirt, Xiaomi Android lanyard and Xiaomi protection bag!
A winner will be announced at 21:00 Apr. 16 (Beijing time).

7 Rules To a Better Life: 1. Never Hate 2. Live Simply. 3. Expect A Little. 4. Give A Lot. 5.Always Smile. 6. Live With Love.7. Be With God.

Daniel Robson
43 warren road Hartlepool united kingdom

Name : Junha lee ( lee junha )

Address : (South Korea) Gyeonggi-do & Ansan-si & Sangrok-gu & Bugok-dong
622-1 & 202
(South Korea) 경기도 안산시 상록구 부곡동 622-1 / 202


Kwong Hin Fung Calvin
address: Flat 1707, Sin Yat House, Yat Tung Est, Tung Chung, Hong Kong
mobile phone: (852)96018449

Time’s up! The winner of this contest to celebrate the 2nd anniversary is Arjay Suarez Carbungco (Jhazz).(http://www.facebook.com/iLOVEarjay) Congratulations! Pls send your real name, address and mobile phone no. to wuna@xiaomi.com before Apr.20. We'll send u these gifts soon!
Thank all of you for joining us! There will be more contests to win great gifts from MIUI ROM in the near future. Pls stay tuned. 



Time’s up! The winner of this contest is +S. Sophie Congratulations! Pls send your real name, address and mobile phone no. to liuchang@xiaomi.com before May 10. We'll send u these gifts soon!
Thank all of you for joining us! There will be more contests to win great gifts from MIUI ROM in the near future. Pls stay tuned. 

Time’s up! The winner of this contest @Phantom_Droid Pls send your real name, address and mobile phone no. to liuchang@xiaomi.com before May 10.

Amiel Luzon

Nexus S MIUI V4 users, check out what you’ll get today: D

Changelog of MIUI 2.4.6
[Recommended updates this week]
New clock timer (see the clock for more info)
New camera shutter animation and storage animation
Optimization of the pop-up contact access interface, now supports long press to copy number
Optimize the last icon in the desktop folder which is then moved out of the folder, the folder automatically refreshes

Repair Need for Speed FC
Fix problems with access to data usage

New MIUI phone interface and functionality (requires data wipe)
Optimize operator SIM card to display a different name (Mobile Display SIM card, Unicom display the UIM cards, telecommunication display USIM card)
Optimize the Call log interface
Optimize vertical slide to answer interface, "hang up" and "hang up and send text messages" buttons swap position
Fix in some cases, selecting SP service numbers avatar causes FC

Optimization of pop-up contact quick access interface
Optimization of the pop-up contact quick access interface, now supports long press to copy number
Optimization of Importing SIM card contacts, support background import, information is prompted in the notification bar
Fix some cases adding contacts to the group leads to FC

Added support for LED flash notifications
Optimize SMS limits
Fix access restrictions, lock screen can still preview the content of messages
[Lock screen, status bar and notification bar]
Repair open screen angle does not show the rounded corners of the status bar
Fix in some cases, dragging the status bar in the process of switching theme leads to FC
Fix in some cases, switching themes the input method icon is displayed in the status column on the right

Optimize the last icon in the folder which is then moved out of the folder, the folder automatically refreshes

[Theme Manager]
Optimization of 2.3 Icon compatibility

New camera shutter animation and storage animation
Fix photo size settings errors
Fix starting the camera automatically sets the screen brightness to the brightest
Fix other applications call system camera instead of MIUI camera which often leads to FC
Fix the SD card prompt for storage space
Repair the auto focus prompt sound

Optimization of Gallery Home Album number total text
Fix the media scanner does not scan the phones internal memory
Clicking to open the picture, photo cannot be selected for deletion (Repair from the File Explorer)
Repair adding desktop widgets causes FC

Optimization of the default navigation page, do not activate the toolbar at the bottom of home page bookmark button

[Alarm clock]
Added new timer function

Thanks to Mark for English translation.

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