
Wesam Cooley · @W1ldCa3d

26th Apr 2012 from Twitlonger

Please RT: Response to necrophilia/farewell intercourse law:

This is a non-issue. No one has sex with their dead partner. This is just an attempt to tap into the image that Islamists are an absurd and primitive Other; and then to use that absurd Otherness as the starting point for introducing progressive liberal inspired western assumptions about rights and equality.

This convenient dichotomy is worldwide. Whenever you get progressive movements articulated in the media, you get in the same moment the ridiculous idea that the progressive's natural opponent is some heathen caveman misogynist Muslim beast -- who apparently wants to have sex with dead women.

There are no facts, just claims, and an absurd debate that opens up the space of ambiguity, where we then discuss whether the charge against Islamists is real or not - the result is thus that the absurd act of "sleeping with dead woman" resonates along with the word "Islamist" as part of the same conversation.

Real or not, guilty or otherwise, the link is made.

The Ikhwan are not "claiming", they are accurately placing the al-Ahram as the claimers. There is a difference.

Yes, there is a sickness in this episode, a sickness that all our moral compasses are picking up on. But, the sickness is not in the Islamist. The sickness is in the Orientalist projection of Islam. The sickness is in the people who believe this is possible. Really, in a founding home of civilization and in a complex and culturally developed society such as Egypt, people actually believe this is possible. Why? Because they believe in the first sickening departing point that Orientalism has established. That is, they believe that Islam lacks the auto-corrective ability to push away the immoral, and thus requires liberalism to do what Muslims, drunk by their religion, cannot do: i.e, be decent people. Same old Savage/Civilized rubbish that's been around for centuries.

Anyone who even entertained this was possible is the sick one, and who is drunk on their own assumptions that they are civilized and thus must monitor the savage Islamist. Seriously, some people should be embarrassed.

If people said, the United States is passing a law to sleep with dead women, every single person would dismiss it out of hand, because in the background we associate Western society with progress. But, Egyptians, 'yeah maybe'.

(Unknown source)

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