then... and it doesn't seem so long ago... I want to look that way again, feel that way again... I need some serious inspiration... I'm so tired of just being tired of not finding myself in the mirror because I have an image of myself in my head and I know it's not what I actually look like now... I don't want to make any promises anymore -- whether to myself or anyone else, not even you guys... it'll happen when I allow it to... After all, I've come so close these past few months... I know my triggers --- stress (try moving to a new tv station -- and yes, that was my decision, but it was a huge one), loneliness... just life in general, particularly mine... I'll pray na lang... Sorry am sad tonight... but love and miss you guys... will tweet again soon! God bless you all. Goodnight and sweet dreams. Sorry this is so long, too.:-)

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