Hello there you lovely lot,
Myself Rosie (@marvelousmollie) and Claire (@Claireteamsats) have decided to take on the challenge of Mollie’s birthday book this year. We’re very excited and hope you’ll join us on marking Mollie’s quarter of a century in style. As we all know Miss Disney celebrates the big 25 on June the 4th. Instead of the usual write a message etc we thought we’d do something a bit different. We all have our favourite memories of Mollie whether it be back in the day when she was in Fallen Angelz or more recently performing at Wembley. So that’s what we want you to do come up with your favourite mollie memory from her career and include pictures/poems letters whatever you like to describe it. If you want to do the conventional method of sending her a happy birthday message we’ll also be making her a card so you can do that instead/as well as. We think Miss King deserves the very best, she inspires us all and always has a smile on her face.
The categories for Mollie’s birthday book are:
Baby Mollie
Fallen Angelz Mollie
Chasing Lights Era
Wordshaker Era
Headlines Era
On Your Radar Era
Then a section for anything Mollie and the girls will be doing in the near future.

We can’t wait to see all of your efforts, be as creative as you like go mad, be as different as you can. Mollie’s birthday is on 4th June so closing date will be the weekend commencing the 1st of June but get your things in ASAP please so we have time to jazz them up. The e-mail address is molliekingbirthdaymemories@hotmail.co.uk
Thanks for reading this and we hope to hear from you soon
Lots of Love Team Mollie
Love Rosie and Claire xxxxxx

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