
Kathryn17 · @Kathryn17

23rd Mar 2012 from Twitlonger

Adam talking about Sauli today on KissFM in Seattle!

Lady DJ: "eh erm, dating? How's that going?
Adam: "Yeah I have a boyfriend, I've had a boyfriend for over a year. His name's SOWLI."
Lady DJ: "how do you say it?"
Adam: "SOWLI, you know I think if you say it with an American accent it's Solli"
Lady DJ: "Where's he from?"
Adam: "Finland, but when I called him Solli, the first time he was like 'zat tis not how you say my name' Cause the native accent there, the vowel sounds are all different.
Lady DJ: "he's hot"
Adam: "yeah he is REALLY hot!!"
Lady DJ: "like where did you meet him?"
Adam: "In Finland, after my concert, after my tour, and now we're happily ever after, it's great"
Lady DJ: "he hit the powerball, oh he did! Well you guys are a very attractive couple, I'll give you that"
Adam: "Thanks! yeah I'm very happy and that's nice to have that"
Lady DJ: "That's nice that you get to have such a great balance right now"
Adam: "yeah that's what we're feeling right now and it's taken a really long time to find it so and that's refreshing and I think a lot of that is in the music, a lot of that feeling"
Lady DJ: "is he gonna tour with you?"
Adam: "I dunno yet, we haven't figured it out. He lives with me in Los Angeles, yeah we're winging it"

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