Just going to say this because it's bugging me to, you know, get called "Satan" by Supernatural fans... every teaser that I posted after watching this week's episode was legit AND okayed by the publicity team. The person telling you that I wasn't supposed to "leak" that is misinformed.

When they do those screenings at The CW, only a small number of people are invited, and we're all careful not to cross the line with big reveals because, you know, we want to get invited back to the next one.

There ARE certain things they asked us not to reveal about the episode -- a whole list of things, in fact. I didn't reveal any of those things. (One of which is a cool moment between Dean & Cas that's my fave scene of the episode.)

As @Chico6, the show's publicist, tweeted (and Jim Michaels retweeted)... the Castiel marriage isn't much of a spoiler. It's revealed very early on in the episode, before we even see him. It doesn't ruin any plot; it's just the backstory we get on where the character has been for the last six months-ish.

I'm sorry if you got news you didn't like, but I didn't write the episode. I wish I had, because it's effing great.

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