JS to @ Evi_pui: Erm... I didn't cut my hair... could you not exaggerate? (she's a fan btw, didn't trans her tweet because it's not important lol)

@1215thexiahtic 방송활동 안할겁니까? 한창 물오른 젊은나이인데 소수 장르에 발 묶여 공연계 활동만 하고 있으니 JUNSU팬들 속이 타들어 갑니다. 올해도 만약 공중파TV출연 안한다면 대중들에게 잊혀지고 끝까지 남아 응원해줄 팬들 없을듯
@jbghhtpa83e08ty 모르는거니..아는데 그러는거니...우리가안하는거니...못하는거니...좀 생각좀 하고 말하렴

@ jbghhtpa83e08ty: Won't you do broadcasting activities? You're still of young and rising age but as you're only doing concerts tied by feet to a few genres, JUNSU fans are slowly having their inside burnt. If also this year you don't appear on national TV, you will be forgotten by the general public and you won't have any fans left who will support you until the end

JS's reply: You don't know...Or you know and you're acting like that?... Is this us who doesn't do it...Or can't do it? Think a little before you talk~

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