
Orion_Anon · @Orion_Anon

27th Feb 2012 from Twitlonger

#OpV Open deceleration of war:

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." 1776

In the course of human events free people erect amongst themselves a form of government that protects the freedom of all, no matter the standing of the individual or the minority they find themselves in. It is an understood that all people are CREATED EQUAL, endowed by their creator (in what ever form they deem necessary to acknowledge this creator) certain inalienable rights. That being Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness.

Yet it becomes evident, as the passage of time shows, that all forms of Government become in the end Tyrannical from means and for motive. To protect those who have the wealth to manipulate Government and the ship of State to their own ends by any means possible. So it is in keeping with the values of liberated people that we call for the disbanding of the current puppet regime known as the United States Federal Government for reasons that follow:

1. The current legislative process has endowed amongst the Free People of the United States certain select groups and families a higher proportion of wealth and capital making the democratic process unjustly favor these Wealth Barons for their own needs and wants.

2. This unjust distribution of wealth enabled by the Federal Government through the Tax Code and Legislation has created amongst the Free People of the United States a subservient class made up of all working and disenfranchised people consisting of the vast majority of the population.

3. In this the access to power by the common natural person has be severely hindered by actions of Artificial Persons know commonly as corporations. Through money and the buying of favors of elected Representatives the electoral process is no longer in the reach of the common Natural Person by the shear effect of the corrupting effect of money and capital.

4. As the population has awoken to this fact, they no longer have an accountable representative working from them at the helm of the ship of state, the Artificial Person has erected through deception and greed a fourth estate to the Government known as the Media that seeks and lusts after ever growing profits through war and the propagation of lies. Thus further disenfranchising the common Natural Person. Seeking to bend culture to their own will this Fourth Estate has severely divided the population against itself for reasons and means totally alien to the common Natural Person.

5. In this the Artificial Person in its form as the Federal Government and Corporation has sought out to subvert the will of the governed through legislation that criminalizes Free Speech, Peaceful Assembly (to include working Unions & Guilds), and the Right to Redress of Grievance. In whole and part the Limitations on the Federal Government have been perverted to benefit the Artificial Person and are now being used against the Common Natural person.

6. In this the Federal Government (and many State Governments) have enacted legislation that deems the average Citizen of the United States a subversive, terrorist, and enemy combatant and makes all of the United States a battlefield allowing the Federal Troops of the United States and the State National Guards to arbitrarily detain indefinitely any Citizen they deem a threat under ambiguous reasons.

7. In this the Federal Government through legislation and the creation of undemocratic institutions such as the Office of Homeland Security, the military Branch known as Northern Command (NorthCom), and Secret police actions through D.H.S Fusion Centers have by action and decree DECLARED WAR ON ALL CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES here and abroad.

8. The first shots on this battle field were fired by the states in its brutal crack down on Peaceful Protesters. The state now through emergency powers and presidential decrees can now round up any protester they deem combative to course of the State and indefinitely detain them. It is now up to an all powerful Office of President to determine that.

So in this hour of crisis it is time for all who declare themselves free born to stand, march on their would be tyrants and remove them from power. We who hold these truths to be self evident, and have erected amongst ourselves a government that no longer answers to the will or the wishes of the governed must now disband the corrupting influence of capital and empire. Not just for our safety, but for the safety of the world, for the monster that we have let metastasis world wide now seeks through its own ends a way to enslave all Natural Persons across the globe, for the shear reason of wealth and sport.

They seek a destabilizing war in the Middle East to procure oil, they seek a hegemony of a single currency to the detriment of starving and famished people in undeveloped countries in the global south. They seek the domination of military power over all Nations and peoples so that never again a Free and Liberated Individual can ever rise up and challenge their power. They seek the total enslavement of Humankind for Profit and Greed, and use opinion to divide us utterly.

This will not stand, for as long as there is a free person willing to do violence (for the only true power the State fears is violence, because that is the only power they truly have)on behalf of the future and generations to come, to live free and truly independent, then Liberty shall never perish from this Earth.

I call on you now, if you have ever taken the Oath to the Constitution, to band together and make your intentions known. Not for political expedience, monetary favor, or capital gains. But for the cause of Liberty!


Sgt Jeffery Humphrey (Honorably Discharged)
U.S. Army Infantry 1998-2005
Samara Iraq 2004-2005
Purple Heart Recipient

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