The ATOS ESA WRAG meltdown continues. I've been begging for help I haven't gotten to be a self-employed CripSpoonie / SpoonieCrip for over 2 years. I have pushed myself beyond endurance to cope with a never-ending vicious circle of ATOS "assessments", genuine medical appointments and My not insignificant physical & mental health problems are getting worse thanks to the spectre of doom unleashed by #UKgov that I can't escape. I am far from being idle; I am woefully unsupported. I'm having #ukmh #mhuk meltdowns several times a day since the new ATOS tactic of phoning DWP victims at home from their call centre kicked in and I became the latest chalkmark in a rainstorm. So with no money behind me & no support from my GPs or politicos & well-known journos I've tried to get interested in my personal situation & my #ATOSuni Campaign - Ive accepted the fact that I will live longer by not going to ATOS. I'm already at the ESA time limit & would lose it anyway so no point in subjecting myself to the dog and pony show. I sat up most of the night wondering which was less painful; slitting my wrists or overdosing on all the meds. I live by the riverside so a great test of my paralytic agoraphobia would be to hobble outside and somehow force myself over the railing or netter yet off the Barrage. I have great skills and background to be an Entepreneur and also sound project ideas to help disabled people in the UK -- but I need GENUINE help to stop being the burden I clearly am. Suicide is a permanent solution; one welcomed by the main 3 #ukpoli parties.

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