
bocconiamari · @martybet

21st Feb 2012 from Twitlonger


Okay, i think i should write about my experience at Bel Ami premiere, bc it has been definitely one of the best day of my entire life and i'd like to share w/ you these precious moments!
I arrived at the Berlinale Palast around 7 o'clock in the morning, and there were already 10 people. I got a very good spot, bc i was between the box of the camera and my friend, but she doesn't care at all about robert, so there weren't crazy fans around me lol
Around 2 a.m i saw all the journalist got into a hotel in front of the berlinale where take place photocalls and press conferences, so i went there and i remained locked into the bathroom until Rob showed up!
I watched the entire photocall, but when i tried to get into the press the kicked my ass out bc i hadn't any badges. The security guy was a pain in the ass, i tried everything: " i lost my badge, a guy stole my purse with my badge, please let me get in, i blinked... but nothing lol my blue eyes didn't work!
After the photocall rob came out, and then I waited for him until 6.45.
The premiere has been really cool, w/ music and stuff!
Anyway when finally rob came to me , i got the chance to talk to him!
I told him that he looked good with his new haircut and that he seemed like a mohican guy hahaha and he answered that i looked good too. I almost died.
We took pictures and then he signed my "Bel ami card"!
When he was coming back for the interviews, i began to scream: high me five roooooob, high me fiveeeee! and he actually came back and gave me an awesome high five :')
When i saw the gif on tumblr i couldn't believe that it happened for real.
I've already met Rob's family in London, and i've already took pictures w/ Victoria and Liz but seeing them there, ready to support their baby bro/son, has been amazing!
I asked Clare and Richard if they were excited for Rob and they answered that they couldn't wait to see the movie!
Anyway after the premiere a bodyguard gave me two tickets for the screening of Bel Ami,i went into the theatre and before the movie, rob, christina and the director came to thank us :') i was shocked! lol
Bel ami is great, Rob's performance is flawless in each scenes, and... speaking of sex scenes, god!
I don't want to spoil anything, but i can't wait to see it again!

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