
yuda · @yooniqda_

19th Feb 2012 from Twitlonger

Day 2-The Last Day, but it's also a Brand New Start.

I won't go into every little details. just some things that were different from yesterday and also a couple of another things too
for detailed one, refer to my older post: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/g08a5o

Concert's Higlight:
- SECRETLY, Hara kissed jing's cheek. then GoolHamCole playing together in the middle of the stage. on some part, GyulGoolColeJing played together, but ham realized it later and also on some part she tripped a little bit too.
- WITH. JiNi did a goofy dance together
- I AM. The mic volume's are really high, even once HARA's mic were having feedback. but it was one of the best part when they sang really really well. all 5 of them. when they facing each other, GoolJing played with their face.
- BEAT IT. Cole did well but she didn't do her moonwalk today.
- LET IT GO. there's a part where they divided into 2 parts facing with each other, and on one part when cole were singing, ham hug her provocatively from behind. This is one of the best stage too.
- NO BREAK IT!!! NO BREAK IT!! THIS IS MY BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT. that's the reason jing was missing on the later part of Let It Go, she preparing for her solo perf. just like Gyul on Wait.
- Guilty. I really like the chorus part, Seungyeonie's choreo are in sync with the fireworks which makes the impact of the perf are far more awesome.
- SUPER GIRL. today hara wore a perm wig.
- JET COASTER LOVE. GyuCole played with each other a lot
- Talk Part. From the start, Seungyeon broke down into heavy tears. Then jing on the other side of the stage, communicating with gyul on the center stage and she started leading the fans to say "Don't Cry!" Cole able to hold her tears. Hara did well, not crying. Gyul did well too though crying again.
- DEAR KAMILIA. once again GyulHam cried the most. even on one part, on the screen it looks similar with the Honey 1st win haha anyway, near the end, jing keep on hugging seungyeonie. and when the others saw it, all 5 of them get into one big hug.
- MY DARLING. on one part, cole came to our section and started taking selca with us. i'm not sure whether we got into the pic or not though.
- ROCK U. GyulJing played together and Jing acted like she wanted to throw gyul into the fans. today's encore are much more fun than yesterday.
On this part, the first to come near us were cole, and she took a karasia towel and wore it from some fans. but she pass in front of us very quickly.
After that it was gyul. first it was KARA Addict who threw their towel after that KH too. she was surprised at first and even she want to throw it back but we said it's for her and she said thank you and move again. (but after that i learned that she throwed KH's towel to other fans on the other side)
Next it was seungyeon, we did the same thing, i think she got at least 4 towels throwed at her haha she took everything and move again.
I'm not sure what happened later. when it ended i saw gyul didn't hold KH towel anymore (like what i said before) neither do seungyeon. but Jing did hold one towel again and bring it to the backstage. not sure is it the one we throw to seungyeon or other fans throw it to jing again (there are some other fans who hold that towel, not only my group). so i'm not sure what happened with seungyeon's towel.

Solo Song's Title:
Gyul - 백일몽 (Daydream)
Seungyeon - Guilty
Cole - Lost
Hara - Secret Love
Jing - Wanna do
On hara's song, there's a lyric which contain "HARA GU"
Cole's Duet song have a rap in the middle. really nice.
Jing's songs also got a rock feeling though it's a little bit different type with seungyeonie's.
All 5 songs showcased their own unique color and voice. Even seungyeonie able to show her powerful vocal which very rarely heard.
I assure u, all of these songs quality are superb. it's far exceed my expectation. if they release an album with all 5 songs, it will be my 2nd best kara album for sure.

In general:
- on my section there are less people, but we stand together with the nice japanese group that we met yesterday ^^ we stand really near to the one of the path. but i think on the seating section it's more filled.
- the fanchant are really awesome today. it was more enjoyable and loud especially during lupin
- today's sound system are much more better. u can listen all of their voices more clearly. and i'm glad they didn't lyp-sync at all :)
- forget to talk about the hair. judging from the VCR that showed their last minutes practice. no one changed their hair except Cole's blonde. she still have her quite long hair :)

I can't really say anything more. I'm thankful for these 2 days, for KARA, for KH, for all the people i saw and i met, for everything happened.
From now on, we will keep on going even stronger in bond between each other.

okey so after the concert we go to Aura the Grill.
It was very late, we arrived there at 11.20.
so the person who served us can speak english and after we ordered, and while she was grilling the meat, she have small chat with us. first she asked whether we were coming from the concert. then she said that she came back from concert too and she is nicole's aunty which taken us completely by surprise.
Our room were on the corner-end of the 3rd floor. and the other room were occupied by other japanese people. after a while, Ms Shirley came and start visiting every single room. When she entered our room, she was very nice. she talk with english and asking about the concert, where we came from and else. she said that it was good and seungyeon cried a lot. she offered for us to take a picture too, and not only group one but she took time to took picture with one by one with all of us. and when talk and taking picture, she reached out her hand very nicely. she put her hand on my shoulder, and she shaked my hands very nicely too ^^
she told us that she will go to one of the Japanese concert too. she also said that KARA will go to ASIA Tour on Mid May-June but still not sure where. she said she will go to one of it too but not sure which one. she said that hopefully singapore (because she know some of us were from singapore) because she have a friends there.
before she go to another room, i gave her one new towel. she said since cole's grandmom were here in seoul she will give it to her ^_^ so we continue eating until 1am and when we gonna come back, we try to talk with her a little bit again. i said that i just realized i have another towel, but i've used it during the concert so maybe it's a little bit dirty but Ms Shirley replied right away and looks really thankful for it. So we gave her 2 towels :)

ah after that we go to mango six, but all of the cookies were sold out. because of kara fans hahaha even on the next shop there only a little bit left kekeke

okey i will stop with it for now.
i'm still a little bit regretting that i can't talk more with Ms Shirley. i was too nervous and half of my soul were left behind at the concert venue haha we should be able to talk about cole's leg and also we should be able to take pics with cole's aunty too. i can't think properly, really.

anyway, i hope u guys enjoyed it as much as i do ^^
just pray i will have some time to spare later and also my memory will come back to me haha

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