
? · @ErnestoRiley

10th Feb 2012 from Osfoora

Mystic Falls High.
Int, girls bathroom.
Sobbing can be heard coming through one of the bathroom stalls. Bonnie enters and walks up to one of the sinks. She holds her hand above the faucet, the faucet turns it's self on. Bonnie begins to wash her hands. Bonnie stops, turns to the stall having heard the sobs.
Bonnie: Hey, you ok in there?
The sobbing stops.
Voice: Is that you, Bonnie?
Bonnie: Caroline??
Bonnie moves to the stall door and pushes it open.
There she finds, Caroline; tears and mascara streaming down her face.
Bonnie: Oh my god, Caroline. Are you ok?
Bonnie moves to comfort Caroline.
Caroline, looks to Bonnie, tears budding in her eyes, exploding into another sob....
Caroline: I never wanted this,
Bonnie. I never wanted this at all.
Bonnie: Never wanted what?
A reluctant Caroline.
Caroline: Hold my hands.
Bonnie takes her hands.
Caroline: Tell me what you feel.
Bonnie: Oh my god, Caroline. Your hands are freezing.
Caroline to Bonnie, speaking through her tears.
Caroline: I'll never have children.
Bonnie freezes.
Caroline: I'm stuck, Bonnie.
Bonnie: What do mean?
Caroline: I'll never get old.
A stillness grows between them...
Caroline: And I'll never die....

To be continued......

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