
Mica Marcal · @xmicabelax

28th Jan 2012 from Twitlonger

Demi is NOT in rehab, NO one was tweeting in Demi's behalf yesterday, it was ALL and 100% DEMI the entire time. NOTHING was staged, NO one is trying to fool the fans. Anything else is a LIE. You guys know me, I would NEVER bring this up unless it was absolutely true. I would never lie to you. I'm not here because the truth needs to be proven, I'm here because some so called fans need to be put in their right place. You have NO right to accuse people of lying, you have NO right to create FALSE drama/information out of YOUR opinion. Wanna state an opinion? Go for it! But to state it is as a FACT, to act like you know EXACTLY what you're talking about? Shame on you who gives out/creates false information and drama about YOUR inspiration, and shame on you who goes around spreading it like if it was true. Having an opinion is one thing, using your opinion against your idol and her FAMILY is another. That is not called love, that is called hypocrisy. You can chose to believe ME or believe people who have absolutely no idea of what they're talking about. I swear I am giving each one of you my WORD. Now you do whatever you wanna do with it. Good day.

- Mica

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