How to cleanse Libya from Gaddafi's influence...

A big issue since the success of the Libyan revolution has been that of the ex-gaddafi regime official, bureaucrats and politicians that still retain their posts in local councils, government departments, state owned companies and Libya's diplomatic core.

This had understandably caused concern amongst the vast majority of Libyans who supported the revolution. But I feel that a realistic and practical approach as well as a wider view is required when considering how to remove these ex-regimers from the positions they hold.

**Firstly**, the notion of completely 'de-gaddafinating' the entire gov right after liberation was not realistic, it would have cause the machinery of government to freeze as well as caused a huge amount of unrest amongst the families of those gaddafi era bureaucrats that would have been purged.

**Secondly**, the belief that everyone and anyone who worked in the government under gaddafi was automatically bad is a flawed and dangerous one. Almost every Libyan has a relative or close friend who worked for the government in some way, shape or form, there was simply no way to avoid this considering what a large employer the government was. Many of these people were competent and patriotic, we can't make them simply retaining a position a crime

**Thirdly**, arresting, baring, imprisoning people who were in the gaddafi regime and suspected of committing murder, torture, embezzlement, corruption and other crimes can't just happen on the basis of hear-say and verbal accusations. A sense of protocol and rule of law, fair trial by a jury of peers, i.e. a properly functioning judicial system are required to bring these people to justice if Libya is to move forward as a democratic nation that respects human rights. Unfortunately this requires a constitution and properly functioning and independent judiciary to be possible.

**Fourthly** people need to remember that for many government positions, i.e. local government and representatives to the national gov, will be selected through elections. This means that the Libyan people have the ability to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction at any gaddafi-era 'climbers' through the ballot box (of course peaceful protests are always an option).

** Fifthly** the libyan government is in dire need streamlining and being rendered more efficient. This notion of focusing on competence, experience, ability and a clean record will need to be inshrined in all Libyan governmental institutions. Big rounds of interviews and consolidations of departments and state owned firms should be conducted on this basis as a means of eliminating the 'dead wood' of the gaddafi era without resorting to political accusations. This approach can remove a huge amount of inefficiency, e.g. those that got their jobs through 'wasta' rather than any real ability or suitable qualifications. It can also set the tone for the entire country and help encourage a meritocratic society to develop in Libya.

**Sixthly** Patience is a virtue, the Libyan people have waited 42 years, a truly democratic and modern state is within their reach, they should focus all efforts on electing a democratic gov that's properly empowered with a mandate for real change. With that new government, constitution, elected local and security apparatus in place, Libya will be able to undergo mind-boggling change for the better at a very rapid pace. At the forefront of this must be cleansing the dusty old cupboard of government of the old guard, introducing new technology and procedures to modernise how the country is managed and to increase communications between the people and their political leadership.

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