Internet streams of music counts toward BB charting & equates to revenue. To loop BTIKM in Sp*tify - open up Sp*tify. In the search window type in Adam Lambert. It will bring up all his music. Look to the bottom left of Sp*tify and you'll see his album cover for BTIKM. Click on that and it brings you to the song. Now look to the lower right hand corner and you will see an arrow in a semi circle. That is the repeat button. click on that.
Now click on the song and it just loops until you tell it to stop.
To lower or raise volume look to the slide bar on the right. You can lower the volume and do tasks as normal in other tabs. The great thing about Sp*tify is the volume is separate so you can mute and go to Vevo and play videos with the volume up with no interference.

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