S: Even there are only 1000 fans worldwide, I still would be very happy. C: Su and I are playing a childish number game. J: With 100 fans, I will be very thankful. I love you guys, really, but.. C: It's true that there are many people using YT Su: Because there are many users to begin with... J: users..really C: users..this word choice... J: The views, we don't know what will they be like, though we don't expect much. But if we can get a lot of views, we'll be very happy.
C: what about it? J: Tsk (?) *the sound was too low for the subber to hear* C: Having a high number of views of youtube would have some "celebration"? (a/n: there is no actual meaning for this chinese character alone...) So, everyone please come and watch our videos~ J: Hold on, let me answer my phone.
S: If the numbers cant reach "??" degree C: Can a person only click on it once? S: No, JS: they can click on it multiple times. J: So, if someone was to click ten times, then the view number will be ten? YS: mhmm J: then everyone, please click 100 times each ok? S: eunkyanhkyangkyang C:???~? I'm hungry? J: Pass this cold joke

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