
Nick Jonas · @nickjonas

30th Dec 2011 from Twitlonger

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I've been great... just enjoying the last few days of the holiday break. Its been such an amazing year, and I can't wait for all the amazing things coming up in 2012! I can't believe I start rehearsals for How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying in less than a week! I have been so blessed reading all your amazing tweets wishing me good luck, and telling me you're coming to see the show! How was everyones holiday? Did you get what you wanted? Did you enjoy time with your family and loved ones? I did! I've been Hawaii enjoying quality time with my loved ones. We had so many conversations about how blessed we all are by your continued support and dedication. You are truly the best fans in the whole word, and we all respect and love you with all our hearts. I pray that you all have an amazing New Year... and I look forward to seeing you in the big apple in 2012.
yours truly,

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