13th Dec 2011 from Twitlonger


How old are you?- 18

Are you single?- No

Will you do imagines tonight? I try to do them every night, so if I've not said otherwise then yeah, I'll be doing them!

Do you have the link to your fanfics? PLEASE JUST TAKE THIS. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/ec14fv

Will you finish the Zayn fanfic - Probably not

Can I have a personal imagine? - Sorry, I don't just do them on the spot, if I do ever do them I'll let everyone know.

Where are you from- Scotland, But I lived in London when I started this account.

Whats your personal?- Don't give it out sorry!

Where do you get your ideas for #imgines ? - experience mostly!

When did you lose your virginity? - 14

Follow Back? - I try!!

Fave member of 1D? - Niall & Harry

Have you ever met 1D? - Yes, 3 times

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