T-Pain · @TPAIN

4th Dec 2011 from Twitbird Pro

To the radio. PDs, DJs, MDs, everybody. Especially the ppl that came to my house to listen to my album a few weeks ago. I've been hearing the talk and the way I'm being perceived amongst the ppl in the industry and the radio world. I can't do anything but agree with everything you guys feel. Honestly at first I was like "well fuck it then" but all I had to do was look at it from your point of view and I now totally understand how you guys feel. I don't even think an apology should be excepted for what I did that night. Sometimes I bottle up my feelings and everything always seem to come out at the wrong time, and I can honestly say that was the worst time for any of those words to come out. I understand that you guys do NOT work FOR me, you guys work WITH me. Radio and artistry go hand in hand in this industry and I don't know how anyone would have ever known about T-Pain if the radio world didn't exist. Thank you for the years of prosperity and I'm sorry for the years of blind negativity

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