
Lilybop · @lilybop2010

29th Nov 2011 from Twitlonger

M's deleted blog post w/ comments:
Posted on October 12, 2011

Since last week’s announcement of the “BFM” album, there has been an intense amount of speculation regarding this seemingly mysterious album. There has also been an extreme amount of criticism being slung around at myself and other musicians who were involved with this project. I would like to address this as honestly and as openly as possible, in hopes that I can shed some light on this for those who have until now been left in the dark.

Let me first start by clearing up the differences between “Take One”, “The Paramount Sessions” and “Beg For Mercy.” “Take One” & “The Paramount Sessions” are a group of songs written by a person under the moniker of Dublyn Jones. Steve Sidelnyk, Marcus Brown and myself performed the instrumental portion of those songs, as directed. I was asked if I knew of any good singers to sing on those songs, and since Adam Lambert and I had a band together at the time, we agreed that it would be a great opportunity for Adam, having never played in a band or recorded in a studio before, to sing on the tracks. Who wouldn’t want one of the best singers ever (in my opinion) singing on anything and everything? The whole session was engineered by Malcolm Welsford, the same producer of “Beg For Mercy.” At the time, we were all paid very generously.

The “Beg For Mercy” album contains songs that Adam and I wrote and recorded prior to him entering the “American Idol” competition. It was a collaboration between the two of us. Brian Frasier – Moore played drums; Rickey Pageot & Eric Mayron played keyboards on these recordings. I do not have any control of the release of any of these recordings, and I haven’t had any involvement with these songs since we recorded them. In fact, they have been out of my hands since before Adam completed Season 8 of “American Idol.”

Because we signed all of the associated legal paperwork, they are technically allowed to release it. Additionally, I have had and continue to have no control over the timing of these releases; I couldn’t halt or accelerate them even if I wanted to. All performers make money on all recordings that were played and/or written on.

From a purely artistic standpoint, I must admit that I am proud of this music, after finally hearing clips of these songs again as of last week (hearing finished for the first time here: I still think they’re great songs years later. There is a lot of heart and soul and positive energy that went into this at the time, which I cannot deny. I have always composed and performed music because I love doing so and because I have a true passion for it. It’s in my blood. And when we recorded these songs at the time, we hoped anything we did would be as big as it could possibly be; no limitations. And I’d imagine that would still come through in this music.

I can’t deny that “Beg For Mercy” is something we both put our heart and soul into at the time. However, I’m focused on my new album, “Pain, Love & Destiny”, which was released last week, and Adam is hard at work recording his new album.

With that said, my honest thoughts are that if you like what you hear, you should buy it and support everyone involved with this album. And if you don’t like it, then you shouldn’t buy it. As fans, that is your prerogative. However, illegal downloading of any music is wrong any way you look at it.

But I urge you to please not fling any unnecessary negative criticism or anger at any musicians involved with this project. At the end of the day, it’s just music. And music is the reason we’re all here, right?

Thank you for your support and for allowing me to address these rumors. Listen for yourself to the songs and you be the judge.

Monte Pittman

This entry was posted in News.
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82 Responses to Beg For Mercy

Sherrie Richey says:
October 12, 2011 at 1:29 pm

Thanks for this clarification, Monte. Well said. I will never support illegal downloading of anyone’s music.
CocoVallejo says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:15 pm

The issue is not about illegal downloading. The issue is that Adam Lambert’s name is being used to sell the album and Adam has specifically said he does not endorse this project and has said it does not reflect where he is musically! I for one could never buy music Adam has not endorsed.
” eg For Mercy project is same as ‘Take One’. some songs I worked on 5 yrs ago and never finished. This release comes as a surprise to me… (more) It is NOT what I’m currently working on, nor does it reflect my artistic vision. Some folks will do anything to make a buck. Fuck.” Music is old and readily available in different forms on the internet with legal downloading. Welsford did this before and her has done it again. Seems like if he really wanted this project to succeed he would have approached Adam up front and tried to work out the issues. Adam’s coat tails are pretty full by now.
Michelle says:
October 12, 2011 at 1:35 pm

Thank you, Monte. This is exactly what I thought. I can’t imagine anyone putting their heart and soul into their art and not wanting it to be heard. Thank you for this clear explanation. It is funny because I think tons of people have wanted these songs in better quality than has been available on YouTubes up til now. Keep rocking and providing such great music for all of us.
Kate says:
October 12, 2011 at 1:45 pm

Umm.. I can’t believe people are thinking of buying this when it’s clear Adam doesn’t support it.

“Some folks will do anything to make a buck. ” he said.

I think that says enough. And I think it’s clear he is definitely not happy that it’s being released and yet here you are basically telling people to buy it.

Sorry, but no.
Jades says:
October 12, 2011 at 1:51 pm

You are not adressing the fact that Adam does not want this album released. His quote is he MINDS it happening. If he says buy it I will if not….won’t. Simple as that.
april says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:12 pm

But Monte is allowed his own opinion. He’s right, if you like it buy it, if you don’t…….don’t. If you don’t want to buy it because it does’t benefit Adam, then don’t. No one is watching or making you purchase/or not purchase it.
AdamRocksBerlin says:
October 12, 2011 at 1:56 pm

I have no idea of internal contracts!
But I think the timing is very bad for Adam! But you explain your position and that’s good!
Any fan can decide for yourself! You’re a really good musician and I’ve seen the Glamnation tour in Berlin, it was a great experience for me!
I hope that your friendship is always there!
All the best to you Monte!
Greetings from Germany! ♥
Angela says:
October 12, 2011 at 1:56 pm

Thank you so much for clearing this all up. I myself was being yelled at just for saying how much I loved one of the songs. I was told that I was the reason Adam was upset and why this is all happening, because I’m “promoting” it… really? Good music is good music. Like I said before, Adam was very proud of these songs at the time they were written. It was his way of creatively expressing himself. So now because it’s a few years later they’re suddenly horrible in some people’s eyes? Ok. That makes alot of sense.. The song Beg For Mercy, in my opinion, is absolutely amazing, even if I have only heard a 48 second clip of it. I understand that these are being released unauthorized, and that is a horrible thing, but it doesn’t give people the right to be criticizing you guys like that… You have no control over it! I think this should just blow over, and everyone should focus on your new album, and Adam’s up and coming one. No need for people to spread all this hate. It’s really unnecessary.
Jared Fogel says:
October 12, 2011 at 1:59 pm

Hey Monte, people have wanted to know if Adam will see money from these songs- you and he wrote them so he will get paid if it sells, right?
Angela says:
October 12, 2011 at 1:59 pm

And don’t take that the wrong way.. I do not support this album being released under these circumstances, and neither does Adam, but I don’t think people need to make such a big deal out of it. You obviously don’t approve of it, so just don’t buy it. Simple. :)
Juneau says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:01 pm

Thank you for explaining the genesis of “Beg for Mercy.” I think what got many fans especially worked up was the manner in which the album is being released and promoted. I believe if Welsford had packaged and promoted it straightforwardly as a Citizen Vein album, or under some other title that clearly put the album into historical context, and if he had not released it so close to the anticipated release of Adam’s new single, he wouldn’t have faced the backlash from fans. He also should have notified Adam ahead of time about the release. No one likes to be surprised.

I do hope the majority of fans will continue to support your work and of all the musicians involved, and also to treasure the creative community that you and Adam are part of.

Love, J
Leigh says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:29 pm

Juneau – you summed it up very well. The problem is that these tracks were not released five years ago when they were made and could have helped the artists involved. To release them now – when Lambert is in the process of releasing his second album (and without informing Lambert or Monte and, in addition, emphasizing Lambert’s name and not Citizen Vein’s), simply speaks of exploitation. To me this is trying to make a quick buck on Lambert’s hard work and popularity. I doubt this “album” (there never was an ALBUM) would ever have been released except for Lambert’s success. That’s what’s so galling and off-putting. As far as I can see, Lambert has not given the green light on buying this music. I’ll wait until his feelings are clearer.
Jeanine Politte says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:02 pm

Thanks Monte Pittman for your honesty and telling it like it is. I will be buying the albums – It is about the MUSIC! The work should be heard and enjoyed :)
DEE EMR says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:02 pm






Lissy says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:08 pm

I like you Monte, but sorry I just cannot support Beg For Mercy. Malcolm Welsford releasing this just as Adam is getting ready to kick into promo mode for the music he’s creating right now and riding its coattails is despicable. Especially because the packaging is deliberately confusing and there’s a good chance it will confuse casual fans who think it is Adam’s current music. It muddies Adam’s brand right before the release of that critical sophomore album. It is calculating and underhanded. The website even uses Adam’s tweets in such a way that it seems like Adam is talking about Beg For Mercy when he’s talking about his own music. Low.

I don’t understand how anyone who is an actual fan of Adam can see him tweet “It is NOT what I’m currently working on, nor does it reflect my artistic vision. Some folks will do anything to make a buck. Fuck.” and “masterminded (but I mind)” and still think it’s okay to support it. I get that you’re proud of the music, but it is being marketed in the most underhanded manner possible so I will not touch it.
Cate Breen says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:10 pm

Thank you for putting it all into perspective. Fans might have been more receptive to BfM and TPS if the timing hadn’t coincided with the release of Adam’s new album. The intentional confusion between them and Adam’s official album is what bothers me the most. But apparently it is legal and I understand that neither you nor Adam have any control over it. I guess that’s the cutthroat side of the music biz.
Judy Lushman says:
October 12, 2011 at 6:47 pm

I totally agree with you Lissy. I will not be buying this album, no matter how good the songs are, until Adam gives the green light. Respect him too much for that!
Lissy says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:11 pm

Oh also, whether or not Adam gets money as a songwriter for this is absolutely irrelevant, and anyone who justifies their purchase of that music by this is simply rationalizing their own selfish behavior. The minor amount of money Adam might earn pales in comparison to the damage this misleading marketing does to Adam’s musical identity and brand right before he debuts the music he actually cares about.
dori says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:13 pm

Thank you for addressing this, Monte.
Russell says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:16 pm

The fact still remains that the BFM website is using Adam’s tweets unethically and clearly trying to dupe people into believing that this is his second album as a solo artist.
And the timing couldn’t be worse- even you can understand that.
If the songs were released as Citizen Vein songs and there was no attempt to confuse the public, then I could stomach it.
But it seems particularly badly timed, and intentionally so.
And if you guys loved it all so much why on earth did you ever relinquish the rights to begin with?
And who exactly did you sign them over to?
Because someone is handling the whole situation extremely poorly if only by virtue of the timing and the one name “Adam Lambert” (as opposed to the more correct “Citizen Vein”) as the artist.
Something just doesn’t feel right.
Jared Fogel says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:06 pm

From the website near the tweets:

Today (September 12th, 2011) Adam informed his many followers that his new single from the long awaited 2012 album would be out “next month(ish)”. Glamberts everywhere rejoice!!! No word yet on what the single title or album title will be! *** Please NOTE this is about his #2 Album NOT “Beg For Mercy” The Citizen Vein sessions***

Is that misleading?
Lissy says:
October 12, 2011 at 7:28 pm

Those asterisked comments on the website only showed up today. While I appreciate that whoever is running that site finally clarified things instead of being deliberately misleading, they were NOT there when the site debuted.
Stasia says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:21 pm

Monte – Thank you for addressing this. I hope people respond in a civil and respectful manner.

Everything you said about how this happened and the status of it makes sense. I think Adam’s twitter-expressed disappointment at release is also completely understandable given the timing and manner of the release. The most reasonable fan voices have not been the loudest but I think they’ve focused on the element that truly disturbs most people – that’s the fact that album is being promoted as an Adam Lambert album (instead of CV or a Pittman/Lambert collaboration from early years) AND that the website you linked is clearly (and this is probably the least defensible action by Welsford & CO.) crafted to deceive people into believing this is Adam’s upcoming release.
I think many of us (certainly not all) understand this was a legitimate co-creation and don’t find fault w/it being released on the strength of Adam’s current popularity – but in addition to the timing, the repackaging (per the website and other promo) as current Adam work crosses the line from ‘just business’ to reprehensibly unethical. That makes is difficult (impossible for most) to support it.
I don’t know if you can comment on any on this (not the timing which you addressed) but specifically the rebranding as an Adam Lambert project and the misleading promo, but if you could, it would be extremely helpful in helping us understand, I think. If you think we are incorrect to see this as deliberately deceptive and/or unethical, I am open to hearing about that and I’m sure others are. (Not saying you had any role in any of that – assume not.)
I understand your pride in these songs as well as Adam’s frustration given where he is at now as an artist – but I don’t see any excuse for Welford’s conduct. Yes, he has every right to profit from his investment but this album could have been released months ago w/straight-forward marketing as (again) either CV project, Pittman-Lambert, etc w/ emphasis that the songs were composed & recorded several years ago and should be seen in that light – an important stage of development that both of you have long since past.

Finally, I know many fans have said they will illegally download in protest. Many are, ironically, the same fans who vehemently decry what illegal downloading is doing to music industry. As they point out in their usual stance, many people – not just the artists and execs, depend on legal sales to support their jobs. These are people who want to take a stand w/out paying the cost – they get the music AND they get to punish Welsford while complying w/Adam’s rejection of the album. I will neither download nor buy BFM based on the issues I cited above but I do want you to know that many of us understand and appreciate your attachment to this work and are sorry that the manner of release is tainting what should be a positive moment for you and fans interested in hearing this early work w/Adam. Meanwhile, enjoying your new album and eagerly awaiting Adam’s new work (and really hope to see all of you again next year on tour.) Best wishes.
Karin4000 says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:29 pm

I’ve been struggling with how to express my feelings on all of this but I see you’ve done an excellent job of it. So, Stasia, “what you said”. Thanks.
Charline says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:53 pm

WOW, Stasia very well said! Exactly how I am feeling, I wish that more and more fans would try and be more respectful when they voice their disagreement, just like you just did. I hope Monte will read your reply, and I’m so sad seeing fans “taking sides” and blaming other musicians and artists. I hope that Monte and Adam’s friendship hasn’t suffered because of this…
Adamluv1000 says:
October 13, 2011 at 12:30 am

Very well said Stasia. Agree with everything you said. And add that Monte seems proud and Adam seems upset…not good for a friendship. If possible, this needs to be released AFTER Adam’s album to not confuse his casual fans or upset his brand he is trying to establish. I LOVE ALL THE CITIZEN VEIN SONGS BUT WON’T BUY IT NOW UNLESS ADAM GIVES OK. I’m a Monte fan but an Adam fan first.
perfectway76 says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:22 pm

Hi Monte. Thanks for shedding some more light on this whole situation. Yes it has gotten confusing to say the least!
I really appreciate you taking the time to write & post it from your point of view.
Love you.
Jarrod Hesting says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:25 pm

For everyone reading this, step back and take a big breath. The bottom line here is that this is music. The story, drama, funding, business, dirt, doesn’t matter when you hit play. The only thing that matters is what comes out of the speakers. Do you like it? GREAT! Buy it! Keep it! Play it! Share (legally) with others!!

Don’t like it? Don’t buy it! Don’t listen to it!

It’s really a shame that Monte has to respond to all of these anonymous people hiding behind a computer monitor who feel empowered because they made 40000 phone calls into American Idol to vote for Adam. Wake up people, go outside. If you put 1/2 of the effort you do into “supporting and defending Adam” on twitter/forums/etc. into something positive like exercise/charity/musical instrument, you might sleep a little better at night.
Leigh says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:34 pm

Why didn’t they release this “album” five years ago? Answer is obvious. And stop lecturing people – you look ridiculous.
Jarrod Hesting says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:43 pm

I’m sure you are getting your speed dial finger ready for your next Idol. He needs your help, Leigh. Keep it up.
Jack says:
October 12, 2011 at 6:40 pm

I’m going to address your question here and it’s not going to be popular; I’ve been an associate of Adam for over ten years and I know for a fact that Adam and Malcolm had an agreement to hold BFM back for at least 12 months after Idol (2009+ 1 yr). Adam had the same agreement with JGScott over the remix a few months back. And while I agree it should be packaged differently Adam has the rights to The Citizen Vein name (Monte can correct me here).
Renee says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:44 pm

Jarrod -
Wow. You do realize that
- you are sitting behind a computer monitor?
- the comments I’ve seen have been overwhelmingly civil
- you say the only thing that matters “is what comes out of the speakers” – so in your opinion the artists don’t matter? Apparently you think they matter enough to not steal their music. The music in those speakers doesn’t appear out of thin air – it’s the creation of people who deserve to be treated fairly. As consumers, we have a voice in ensuring that artists (and laborers, etc) are treated fairly by exercising our voice through purchasing power.
- you dismissiveness of fans who have questions about the integrity surrounding the release of BFM is insulting and childish. I am a fan of Adam Lambert though I did not become aware of him until after Idol (though I certainly would have voted for him). I am also a fan of Monte’s and of their pre-Idol work together. Yes, music and my 1st amendment rights make me feel empowered – thanks:)
- you really came to the wrong place to make condescending remarks about energy going to charity. while I suspect, based on the disrespectful tone of your post, that you are a self-absorbed hipster – Adam’s fans (many of whom are also fans of Monte and rest of the band) have raised a huge amount of money for charity. Most of this was done anonymously – so not attn whoring. Thousands will benefit from long-term support from Trevor Project, charity:water projects in desperately poor communities and school projects that received over 200K due to the awareness Adam brought to these projects and Monte’s work w/young people as well. Tell me, sir, what you have done in this area? I can’t say you sound like a generous spirit but perhaps I am wrong. I hope so.
Jarrod Hesting says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:51 pm

I’ll clarify a little…I’ve seen more than a few comments taking shots at Monte’s family over this…a fucking bunch of songs. I know there are plenty of quality fans out there as well…but the shit I have read is just so over the top. see my note above. Over and out.
Russell says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:33 pm

Hi, Lisa.
Terrry says:
October 13, 2011 at 8:56 am

Are you serious???? What right do you have to talk down to people like that.

First of all, many of Adam’s fans did not watch him on American Idol, me amongst them. I dont live in America and I’m not interested in American talent shows (or our local ones either for that matter).

Secondly, Adam’s fans are some of the most passionate, generous, positive and committed people I have ever met. Worldwide they have raised well in excess of a $1 million through charities endorsed by Adam as well as countless local charity efforts.

In fact, one of the “causes” these people you are so happily insulting have got behind was MONTE himself, where Adam’s fans networked and used all that “passion” to raise money for Monte’s kick start program to help him with his album. And now here you are – on Monte’s site – having a go at them for allegedly not caring about anything but Adam. Ironic, don’t you think?

And if they feel passionate about supporting Adam – just like they did about supporting Monte – why is that so wrong in your eyes?

So Jarrod, I respectfully request that you pull your head in. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

moni says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:27 pm

The real thing is that Adam don´t endorse this album, and it´s promoted as Adam Lambert, not Monte Pittman or any other person. They want to buy it because of Adam.
I will not BUY IT.
Tribyen says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:30 pm

Music isn’t just music when money becomes involved – then it’s politics and involves all of the political ramifications that go along with the entertainment industry.

While I’m sure the decision to buy or not to buy is simple in terms purely of music, when you put it into the context of actually purchasing an album, then it becomes much more complicated. In basic terms, to purchase something from someone is in essence to support the item as well as the person selling it. It’s why people won’t shop at certain stores if they don’t agree with their business practices, or political donations.

I see this issue much the same way. While people would probably enjoy the music, many have qualms with purchasing the album, especially as the artist whose name is being stamped in bold print on the cover obviously has issues with the marketing and/or timing of the album release and was not consulted beforehand. I don’t think this is an issue purely about whether or not someone likes the music – it’s about whether to support (because money does equal support) a project knowing the issues behind it.

(Note that I didn’t expressly state one way or another how I felt about it.)
DNW says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:42 pm

Who is getting the proceeds of the sale of the CD? Welsford & gang? Why do Welsford’s people & your friends Eric Myron & Shana Kemp posting on fan boards pretending to be fans? It is so easy to trace people. Adam is apparently very against this project which I don’t blame him. It’s sleezy at best to name the CD Adam Lambert and not Citizen Vein and the timing is ridiculous. But sorry I won’t buy it.
Angie says:
October 12, 2011 at 2:50 pm

I appreciate your attempt to clear up this matter and I’m sorry for any personal attacks you’ve endured because of this situation.

But I really do not appreciate your linking to a site that has been clearly trying to confuse the public into believing this is Adam’s new album. This Welsford guy has had people put this same link into comment sections about Adam’s new album and on Amazon. The Take one album may me a different scenario but the game is still the same. They are trying to dupe casual fans into buying the wrong album and for years Take one has been in many Target and Walmart stores as the only Adam lambert album available. Many(100,000) unsuspecting buyers were duped.

I can understanding wanting to have your Citizen Vein songs released now that there is an interest, but aren’t you upset that they only but Adam’s name on there?

Adam gave an interview last year when someone asked about Take One not knowing the history. Adam responded that every time a fan gave him a copy of it he wanted to scream or cry. And now the same thing will be happening for years to come.

As much as I appreciate your happiness at these songs being released, I would have also liked to have seen a little solidarity with Adam over the sleazy way they are going about it an some understanding of the source of peoples upset.
Jesse says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:03 pm

I agree with much the has been posted. It is not the release of the music that is the problem. It is the deception in the manner it is being promoted. It is also the timing. The exploitation is obvious…..Releasing this on the eve of Adam’s next single release, as well as on the eve of his Sophomore album. I have no doubt that the music is stellar. That isn’t the problem and never was. This situation keeps happening to Adam over and over….Folks trying to capitalize on his fame and talent, just before a major release. Adam has had so many challenges, and now this.
noskerdycat says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:04 pm

Yes, this was a great message Monte.
Thanks so much.

Life is too short to spend time on bitterness over all this, and expressing or carrying out vidictivenss is not a pretty sight.

I for one, am grateful for ALL the moments that led to YOU and Adam being introduced to the mainstream, and this includes any formative journey that got you to wear you are.

Very appreciative, and wishing you all the best
Jesse says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:29 pm

I guess you are not the least bit concerned that Adam is very unhappy about this situation. Or the fact that casual/new fans will think this is his sophomore album. Some thing are just wrong in life. Not everything is Love and Light.
Lissy says:
October 12, 2011 at 7:30 pm

True. Sometimes people just suck.
Hoopla1 says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:24 pm

So far, Jarrod, yours seems to be the only uncivil comment here, and I just have to take exception with your statement that nothing matters but the music. Monte talked about illegally downloading…well, what about unethical marketing.
Love ya, Monte, and wish you the best, but providing that link to an site that contains unethical (even if not illegal) and misleading information just to sell old music (even if good) further seals the deal for me. I will not buy, nor illegally download Beg for Mercy.
If Welsford is any kind of friend to you (and he is thanked in your PLD liner notes), you might let him know that IN THE FUTURE, if he would just be honest and label the old music he has rights to correctly and not coordinate the timing to ride on Adam’s back every.single.time. I would buy this music and so would most others I know. Too bad he’s so willing to settle for quick bucks instead of bigger and more honestly earned ones. And too bad you don’t get name recognition in the marketing of this product.
So, thanks for your statement, Monte, but the matter was settled for me with Adam’s tweets:
“It’s NOT what I’m currently working on, nor does it reflect my artistic vision. Some folks will do anything to make a buck. Fuck.” (and…”I mind”…)
I wonder why the BFM website you link to doesn’t include THESE Adam tweets?
(BTW, your site is really nice!)
Jesse says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:31 pm

Well said and I completely agree. Why don’t they just take Adam’s name off the album. That would be interesting???
Lisa Harrington says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:35 pm

Thank you, Monte! You are a true professional and a helluva nice guy.

It is unfortunate that “Beg For Mercy” is the victim here, cause it sounds like a great song. The music industry has a very ugly side , but thankfully you and Adam show us the beautiful, magical side through your talent.

Thank you so very much–I am proud to say I am a Monty Pittman fan!
lisa harrington. ( not the keyboard player!!!)
Dera says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:35 pm

Since these two new releases came as a surprise to Adam and was reflected on his recent tweets about them, I won’t support buying them. I won’t enjoy these old musics of Adam knowing that he was bothered and surprised by their untimely releases, no matter how much of a good music these releases are going to be. The guy made over one million dollars on Take One without Adam seeing a penny of it after his fame from Idol. Monte, you said you and Adam received a generous amount at the time. Why the guy didn’t release them then if the music is that good? Why now? Fans are questioning the wrong timing of these releases and Adam not endorsing them.
Dakota Collins says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:37 pm

About this whole fiasco, NO is not just about the music, it is about taking advantage of the promo and anticipation for Adam’s new OFFICIAL release. If the scumbag had released it 3 years ago, fine. If he released it next June, fine. But to try to slip it in benefiting from Adam’s fans being so anxious about the new RCA album is just underhanded and no matter how you fancy it up, it sucks. And I think you know that, Monte, and it would be better to not say anything than to treat us like we’re stupid and naive.
Thanks for the opportunity to have my say. Oh, and the creeps on the Amazon website saying that Adam has endorsed it (DK, where are you) just adds fuel to the already intense fire. And you know how fire tends to blow back and incinerate the arsonist ! Karma!
Glenda says:
October 12, 2011 at 3:45 pm

From what Monte indicates in this blog, both he and Adam have been paid generously for their work on these songs and also have signed off (five years ago) on the release of this music. I certainly understand Adam’s resistance to the release of this old music at this time, as his own career is beginning to spiral upwards; and the timing does smack of opportunistic. However, if as Monte indicates; both he and Adam signed off on this project when they participated in it 5 years ago, then neither of them have the legal power to stop it. It is the same concept as an actor struggling to get known acting in a low budget film that doesn’t get released; and then the actor hits it big, becoming well known and suddenly finds this low budget film gets slated for release. So I can understand Adam’s objection to the release of this album, but he signed off on the project years ago so I am assuming the producer has, in fact, a legal right to sell it. I certainly would hope that both Monte and Adam will profit should this record be commercially successful.
Hoopla1 says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:26 pm

I’ve seen no one really questioning the LEGALITY of this (actually, these–dont forget PSessions) CDs being released. But what about the ETHICAL considerations?

It’s about the timing. And labeling it ADAM LAMBERT’s new CD. And a website being set up in Adam’s name. And acting like they are oh, so Adam-friendly. Using his lyric tweets, which had nohing to do with BFM. Confusing casual fans. USING ADAM so that everyone (yes, even Adam–but at what cost?) profits instead of marketing it honestly.

So, legalities aside, this just smacks of the worst kind of opportunism.
Lilybop says:
October 13, 2011 at 2:37 am

Incorrect: Monte said ” In fact, they have been out of my hands since before Adam completed Season 8 of “American Idol”, not five years.

I’m curious how this happened, Monte. These songs were cowritten by you and Adam, so at some point did you both own the copyright? At what point did Adam and you lose the copyright , since now it’s owned by Wilshire Records?

Is it incorrect that last spring you were trying to get something done with Adam relating to the Citizen Vein tracks? If true, how could you do that if you had no control over the music? At what point did you lose your copyright? Lose your control? Adam his?

Adam is upset about this release because the songs are unfinished and don’t represent his artistic vision. He’s your old friend but you don’t even mention his unhappiness with Beg for Mercy. Instead you suggest people buy the record, and certainly not download it illegally. As cowriters, will you and Adam earn residuals on the CV songs? Are you both in the same boat, so to speak, financially with regard to the album?

When did you learn about the releases of Beg for Mercy and the Paramount Sessions? Adam seemed shocked by their release. If you had discussed the issue with Adam as soon as you found out about it, perhaps Adam would not have felt blindsided. On Ustream October 1st, you seemed to be discussing the Paramount Sessions, and said you had to choose your words very carefully. I guess it took you several days to respond to this controversy because you needed to again be very careful with your words. Simply telling the truth doesn’t seem to be enough when you need to parse words.
SJO says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:11 pm

Rational observations/admonishments ;-)

1. BfM is obviously being released at such a time as to be confused, by casual fans, with Adam’s new single and album. Not just ‘bad’ timing…rather, deliberate timing.

2. It is also being promoted on the website as being an Adam Lambert album, and Adam’s quotes about his sophomore album are blatantly used to deceive, making it look as though he was referring to this album.

3. The project’s appearance and it’s promotion are clearly deceptive. It is ‘Citizen Vein’ music, not ‘Adam Lambert’ music. It is comprised of Pittman/Lambert compositions, along with other collaborations, not ‘Adam Lambert songs’. It is very obvious that Mr. Welsford is taking advantage of Adam Lambert’s success by not calling the album what it is, and by his deception in promoting it. It is also extremely disingenuous and just plain rude to neglect notifying the principal artists of his intentions.

All of this may be legal (except perhaps the the misleading use of Adam’s quotes, idk), but it is all being handled by Mr. Welsford in a way that is, in my opinion, reprehensible. Karma, hmmm.

None of these objections point to the musicians in any way. I doubt they could have influenced any of the decisions made by Mr Welsford. It’s the nature of the business…believe me, I’m involved in it enough to know.

As in many purchasing situations these days, our only recourse is to let our actions speak our convictions, listen to our hearts, and make a personal decision as to whether or not we support the product with our pocketbooks, ‘a personal decision’ being of utmost importance here. Name-calling, illegal downloading, and spreading hate is very much beneath us as admirers of these artists. We owe them much more than to act like petulant children. They SO deserve rational fans! Perhaps we could all try a little harder to embody Adam’s own example of integrity and love?! ‘Agree to disagree’ is a peaceful, fair and adult conclusion.
Spend your conscience, and please don’t demean others for doing the same!
Love trumps duplicity.
Mal says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:20 pm

Everything else aside, Monte,I do love you as a guitarist and can’t imagine anyone else playing with Adam in the future. I personally hope this relationship (personal and business wise) continues.
I do want to ask all these fans who have posted–did you happen to buy Adam’s Glamnation Live Album? I can’t believe with over 1.2 million followers it has only sold about 40 plus thousand. It should have gone gold weeks ago since it only takes 50,000 to reach this level. So if the answer is “NO” and you have just been watching his live performances on Youtube, please support Adam this way and spring for the Album.
Suenomma says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:32 pm

No one, to my knowledge, has commented on the fact that this CD release is most likely hurting MONTE’s new CD also! Many Adam Lambert fans, who also support and love Monte, are having doubts and may hesitate to buy his CD: Love, Pain & Destiny. Surely if Monte had ANY choice in this he would never have had BFM released a few days after his own CD, which he has worked so hard on for a long time.

The sad thing is if Welsford had released this in a more aboveboard way- notifying Monte and Adam, calling it pre-Idol Citizen Vein music- fans would be knocking each other over to buy it!! He made a HUGE mistake, in my estimation. He had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make lots of people happy AND make a lot of money, and he blew it!!! Sorta hope he goes down in flames (figuratively, of course).

Each fan must make his/her own decision about a course of action. To buy or not. But let’s stop the finger pointing and name-calling. It creates discord and anger in the fandoms and solves nothing. Monte is a good person; he does not deserve this firestorm.
Hoopla1 says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:41 pm

ITA with everything you say, Sue. But, apparently Monte doesn’t mind too much, as he has linked the misleading (unethical) website right here in his statement and seems absolutely fine with saying buy it if you like it–just don’t illegally download it.

I do, however, REALLY love your second paragraph, Sue…if only it had been handled differently.

Oh, well, it is what it is. It’s an irritant for all and nobody wins, really, except Welsford. Ad I hope he doesn’t win enough to encourage him do this again next time around.
Dakota Collins says:
October 12, 2011 at 5:36 pm

It’s not Monte’s name in huge black letters on the front of the CD, it’s Adam’s.
It’s not Monte’s CD which is being highly anticipated, it is Adam’s.
If it had Monte’s name in huge letters and Ådam as an “also ran” it would not be the travesty it is.
End of story. JMHO
Suenomma says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:35 pm

S%@t! I mean Pain, Love & Destiny!!!!! Too emotional to get everything right! Sorry, Monte!
DNW says:
October 12, 2011 at 4:53 pm

I agree with the posters above. Welsford totally blew a golden opportunity. If they had just not come off as so opportunistic and greedy fans would have supported this. If they had called this Citizen Vein and not released it before Adam’s second CD fans would have raced this up the charts. Now I see Welsford cronies posting on message boards pretending to be fans and fighting with fans. We already have their names as stated above. It’s really, really sad how this all came about. I do have a question for Monte though. You have never left Welsford’s employ. You did work for him on one of his projects last year. Does Adam know that?
sizzling says:
October 12, 2011 at 5:16 pm

Thank you for your detailed clarification and for your honest opinion on this. The whole “deal” could have been handled better and more professionally if the album had been released under the name of “Citizen Vein”. I think it would have served you and Adam better. All the best, and thanks again!
Still Troubled says:
October 12, 2011 at 5:17 pm

It wasn’t recorded as an “Adam Lambert” album, so releasing it as such seems underhanded and like a way to make more money for TPTB…even though Adam and Monte will also profit in someway.
deeppoolsofblue says:
October 12, 2011 at 5:28 pm

Monte, thank you for clearing this up for us. I am thrilled that you have been in Adam’s life all these years to experience the growth of your and his music together. You have been there for Adam during all the sad and bad times along with the great times. The music you have created together is just part of the history of both of your music growth. I know that you AND Adam have to be upset with the timing of this release, since you just released your new album (great, by the way) and Adam’s new single is just weeks away. It would be wonderful if the people that are releasing it woiuld release it as songs from early Monte and Adam collaboration.but that probably won’t happen; I pray that this event won’t cause any hard feelings or awkward moments between you and Adam. You and Adam are both great examples for all of us to follow……….very caring dear friends that have been there for each other for years and years.
Jesse says:
October 12, 2011 at 5:28 pm

I support Adam because he is the Best Male Singer in the World Today. He is also very nice. I am not here to fund his band members or worry about their careers. I don’t think said band members are concerned with my well-being and financial solvency. Band members will come and go. I will respect them as long as they don’t try to exploit Adam or fuck with him. The End!
Jeffrey says:
October 12, 2011 at 5:30 pm

Malcom is your friend and colleague. Could you ask him to market this as “Citizen Vein” as opposed to the way he is doing it now? Could you ask him to delete Adam’s tweets about his new album on the website? Could you maybe ask him to stop spamming all the articles on Adam with fake posts promoting it ? We all understand his need to “make a buck” out of Adam and based on his past history no one would expect more of him, but this just seems so exceptionally low this go around that is it literally hard to understand. Is there no appealing to him even by someone who has known and worked with him for so long such as yourself? I would have eagerly bought this if it was properly labelled and ethically marketed and I think others would too. But obviously cannot under such circumstances.
Shelby says:
October 12, 2011 at 5:50 pm

I appreciate your well thought out response, Monte. However, it’s pretty clear you and Adam disagree on the release of this album. Based on Adam’s tweets, he is clearly not happy about it’s release. It’s seems to be a coattail situation for the people putting this out there, being marketed under Adam’s name and coming out on the heals of his new release, possibly confusing buyers as to his current vision and work. I don’t blame him for not being thrilled about it. I have to wonder if this album would have even been released at all if Adam Lambert had not become famous. Probably not I would guess. Oh well, no one said the business was fair, but I won’t be buying it.
Jack says:
October 12, 2011 at 6:30 pm

Oh Monte, I;m sorry for all the crazy discussions over the past few days. Remember we all love what you do and love you, your awesome!
Susan says:
October 12, 2011 at 6:42 pm

Monte..hang in there. This whole thing has gotten ridiculous! I am a fan of Adam’s but not a Glambert because they all act so mean and like they own Adam and they are managing his career. I realize Adam may not be on board with this CD but the drama the Glamberts are making is so OTT it’s embarrassing to Adam. Your statement makes perfect sense. A lot of people who are Adam fans do not understand the music biz. I hope Adam has the sense to tweet to his fans that they need to stop this assault on everyone including you! This kind of rude behavior will drive people away from Adam at some point. I have witnessed people saying that Glamberts are too scary and they don’t want to support Adam any longer.

Most famous artist have bootleg music out there. It’s a joy to fans to have these in their collections. It’s part of the rock music’s history and The Grateful Dead had open bootlegs and look at their stellar career?
This is not a secret bootleg by any means but it’s part of Adam’s history and yours. I would think that anyone would understand this and not go gonzo over it.

I hope Adam will get these fans under control. I myself, don’t want to be part of a group of people who are ugly to others. There have been too many instances where the Glamberts go after people for reasons that are beyond comprehension. It’s time for this to stop. Either buy or don’t buy the darn CD. But at least get some control on their reactions and ugly comments everywhere you look.

You were great on the GNT by the way. Best of luck with your new CD. I hope Adam will re-consider what he tweets to his fans, realizing that they are running off real music fans with their crazy behavior. It’s like encountering a pack of wolves at times and Adam deserves better.
DNW says:
October 13, 2011 at 3:52 am

In your self-righteousness you sure are doing a good job of behaving like those you condemn.
Sandy Danielson says:
October 13, 2011 at 7:48 am

Susan, I so agree with you. Some of these fans might make an Adam supporter like me go underground and not be associated with this mess. You’re especially right about glamberts trying to manage his career. I don’t think Adam needs any help. He is a strong advocate of his own music and knows where he wants to go. Sure, he got a little upset with the timing of this release, but so far, I can’t see anything illegal being pulled off here. Years ago, artists like Billy Joel, John Fogarty, and might I add, original rock and rollers like Little Richard, were caught up in in unfair practices involving unscrupulous agents and record producers. Things are a little different now, thank goodness. It’s all about the bottom line. Isn’t that what our system is all about? I am a “forever” Adam supporter. But please, do not tell me what I should or should not listen to.
@swan20 says:
October 12, 2011 at 6:47 pm

Very well said Monte! Thanks for clearing up this BS. I know you have better things to do than referee fan drama. Sane fans know you wouldn’t hurt Adam.
Carolyn says:
October 12, 2011 at 7:43 pm

Adam’s Tweet re: this project was quite clear:

“It is NOT what I’m currently working on, nor does it reflect my artistic vision. Some folks will do anything to make a buck. Fuck.”
October 12, 2011 at 7:56 pm

Monte, thank you so much for clarifying it all for us. I think those who were upset were merely trying to be protective of all you wonderful musicians. The other aspect was that it seems none of you will receive any residual monies, that you were paid in advance. Of course we wanted you all to make money!

We can accept this explanation and make our own decisions as to whether we will purchase these works.
Jacqui says:
October 12, 2011 at 7:56 pm

Thanks for the clarification Monte. I fully understand your standpoint. You are a decent man and a great musician. My main concern is that you and Adam continue to be friends and make great music together. With love.
SoozinCA says:
October 12, 2011 at 8:16 pm

I agree that Welsford blew it. I would have gladly purchased Citizen Vein music, if it was marketed as such and not packaged and promoted in a way intentionally meant to dupe the general public into thinking it is Adam’s new music. No, it’s not illegal because the rights were signed away. But one of my personal core values is integrity and I see none of that in the way Welsford has handled this and for that reason alone I cannot bring myself to put a single dollar into his pocket. No, I won’t illegally download it either. I’ll simply have to deny myself the pleasure of owning and listening to this music, however good it might be, because I cannot support a project that is positioned to steal money from Adam. I don’t wish ill will on you, Monte, or any other musician. Keep on creating music.
HannaB says:
October 12, 2011 at 9:41 pm

Thank you for so eloquently stating your side of the story. It makes a lot of sense. Your songs are your babies and I understand your pride in them.

Mr. Welsford seems to be a man of questionable ethics and I can’t understand why anyone would want to have a connection with him at this stage of the game, but I don’t know the whole story and neither does anyone else not directly involved with this.

I hope you can enjoy all the excitement and kudos you’ve earned with your hard work on Pain, Love & Destiny. You put your heart and soul, blood, sweat and tears into it. Best of luck to you in that endeavor. :)
Gloria says:
October 12, 2011 at 10:22 pm

This is what Adam said:.

adamlambert It is NOT what I’m currently working on, nor does it reflect my artistic vision. Some folks will do anything to make a buck. Fuck.

Adam minds.

End of story!
celtcwrtr says:
October 12, 2011 at 10:32 pm

if Adam signed a contract that gives the releasor legalese to release; so be it. He’s an adult.

If this does not represent Adam musically now & he did indeed create it at one time; it represents where he was then.

If the releasor is riding on his current fame to make $; who is really surprised. It’s show biz, not show art.

And I assume Monte is saying shame on anyone who downloaded these same tunes illegally in the past. S-t-e-a-l-i-n-g.
Pete says:
October 12, 2011 at 10:49 pm

So…basically…Beg for Mercy is stuff you and Adam penned under “The Citizen Vain”? Why is it solely sold under Adam’s name?

Do you even see the issue here? I mean apart from “you should buy it and support everyone involved with this album”? IMO you totally missed the point of why people are mad.
ohbabs says:
October 12, 2011 at 11:46 pm

I frankly was dismayed with Adam’s tweeted response to the album. It felt it too harsh and sort of hypocritical. Adam has stated on more than one occasion it is all about the music. Why shouldn’t the guy who brought them into the studio and produced the record make a buck? Maybe the timing is not right and marketing a bit misleading and exploitive, but frankly not surprising when one is looking for optimal profit. Although I agree an earlier release may have been more lucrative. As far as taking away from any upcoming releases from Adam, I don’t quite get that. It is not like you are limited to buy only one Adam Lambert album a year. The upcoming release will sell itself on its own merit. Adam may be a perfectionist but he is not perfect. Monte kudos to you for taking the time to clear the air and explain this. Good Luck to you too,Monte. We all appreciate the role you have played in Adam’s life and are grateful for both of you!
Adamluv1000 says:
October 13, 2011 at 1:12 am

I forgot to say in my previous post what a nice website this is. And good luck with your new album.
Glambertaus says:
October 13, 2011 at 4:31 am

Nothing but total respect for Mr Monte Pittman, Thanks for the clarification Monte.
Terrry says:
October 13, 2011 at 8:45 am

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Monte – but I feel like you’re missing the point of why Adam’s fans are so angry about what this company have done with these two album releases. All of us would have LOVED to support a release of the Ctitizen Vein tracks written by you two. But this has been done in such a way that has guaranteed to provoke hostility towards the album and consequently made it impossiible for most of Adam’s fans to support it. That makes me really sad. It was such a senseless and crass move on their part to take the road they chose, they have not only put Adam’s REAL album at risk, they’ve shot themselves in the foot and made things more difficult for you into the bargain. I hope you will put a shit-load of distance between yourself and these morons as soon as you can!!! For your own sake.

But why are people, who imply they are Adam’s fans. running around justifying and supporting this? I really don’t get it. If you are really a fan of Adam’s and want to support him you would NOT support these rogue albums. Simple as that. It’s not just “about the music” – it never has been. Not with ANY artist ever in the history of popular music. And many a brilliant artist has been destroyed by unscrupulous idiots, very much like the people behind these albums, in the past. To think it’s just about the music is, at best naive and at worst, callous and deliberately obtuse.

For Adam’s fans, this is ALL about what this is doing to Adam’s current official releases and – by extension his career. And Adam is well aware of these issues AND has clearly stated his position on this.

If you are a fan of Monte’s but NOT a fan of Adam’s arent you in the least concerned at how this is being marketed? Monte is practically invisible! Still Monte doesn’t seem to care that he’s hardly mentioned so whatever. Go git it! I guess.

Meanwhile, monte – if you have any contact with the people behind this album, please ask them to STOP SPAMMING Adam’s fan forums pretending to be fans just to promote this stuff. We are not stupid, they are easy to track back and identify and it only perpetuates the public image of them as totally unethical and willing to stoop to any low level for a fast buck. It’s just childish.
Lilybop says:
October 12, 2011 at 7:22 pm

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