I feel like I need to write some more. I've met hundreds of wrestlers throughout my career. Several hundreds. And among those hundreds of wrestlers, I've met some that I simply consider brothers. I have a lot of them actually.

But while it took quite a while for me to develop that bond with most of them, it only took a very short amount of time for Bison Smith to become one of my brothers. I hadn't seen him in way too long. But wrestling is like that...you say goodbye to someone after a show and then 3 years pass before you see them again.

While you might think ''Man, I miss that dude'', you also tell yourself ''I'll see him soon I'm sure''. I had been telling myself that about Bison for a year now... and now I don't get to say that anymore...

I just spent some more time talking about him with my wife and I felt the need to write a little bit more, to get a little more off my chest. I miss Bison. And what sucks more than anything is that I didn't know the last time I saw him would be just that. I never got the chance to tell him how much I appreciated his friendship. I hope he knew...

Which is why I want to take this moment to tell all my brothers, and you guys know who you are, I love you all. I miss you all. Take care of yourselves and each other.


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