Final tweet about the review from Newcastle..I promise
A)I get mad about something written every 6 months or so. Please mark May 16, 2012 down as the next time I'm allowed to let something bother me.
B)I will take the writer at his word when he says the quote was that it had been a "good" show and not a "great" one, so, therefore I should have been expecting a review about a good show and not a great one.
C)I should not have brought so much attention to the writer, Andrew Dipper, and hope that none of the attention he received today was too unpleasant. I ask my followers not to bother him. I apologize to Andrew personally for even mentioning the review and for questioning his journalistic integrity. As I suggested to Kurt Angle once, I should have just "let it go."
D) The best reviews are word-of-mouth, and there are plenty of successful comics, actors, singers, etc who have had far harsher reviews than the one given me. Thanks to everyone who has gotten the word out. Clips are always up at and I encourage people to judge my stuff for themselves.
E)Honestly, followers cared far more that the @TheRock & Sock connection were exchanging tweets. I apologize to followers for getting caught up in something so trivial. But mark those calenders for May 16th, when I do it all over again.



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