Occupy Wall Street #OWS, now it's Occupy America, is as dangerous as the electorate's apathy in voting. Even during presidential elections, it's only 60%. Otherwise it's 30-40%. Therein those statistics is the main problem. Politicians don't fear the will of the people at all. They don't. Whatever the will happens to be. Americans shirk their responsibility to exercise their right to vote and it shows. The group protesting, mostly college students and recent graduates, vote rarely or not at all. The slackers, as Jon Stewart calls them, is as much to blame as anyone. Civic duties are an afterthought to them. Or no thought at all. Vote for the celebrity and we're done.

The other problem is the group or groups communicate no demands. Hard to find a fix with no demands. Get money out of politics (end corporatism), give all people a voice, the 99% and save the whales ae the buzzwords. Well, not save the whales. Where is the problem in all of that? Lack of responsibility is it. Hey, we're only in this politics thing because we can't find a job. If they had jobs, they wouldn't be protesting. They wouldn't.

Young people today are obsessed with leisure activities and the Internet. Fragmented demands and thoughts and anger sounds more like a spoiled brat that didn't get everything he/she wanted for Christmas. We want jobs. Now. Yesterday. We don't want handouts. Just jobs. Yeah, sure, since you're demanding and all. We also want equality and all voices heard. Okay. Vote and we'll listen. What? Yeah, get off your self-centered collective asses and vote. If ya don't vote, don't bitch. Votes are equal. Ask Al Gore and Bush if your vote counts. Bush only won by a small few.

They're excuse to enjoying the freedoms of America and failing to register their voice is easily explained. We followed all the rules and... What? Really? You followed YOUR rules and now you want it handed to you. Democracy can't work if you aren't in it. If some of you weren't so self-obsessed in 2000, you could have defeated Bush thusly defeating the Supreme Court that allowed corporate money to flow into politics easily. No recriminations. Did you attempt to educate other voters since you're so smart? No. You were too busy doing whatever as to avoid your civic responsibilities. Getting into college was great, right? Spent all that time and effort to get educated and forgot about voicing your concerns in running the country. The rich you so despise did their civil duties. You didn't talk so how could they listen. Oh, and without the rich, there are no jobs for anybody. Now some of you need to learn the sin of omission was the problem. Get involved, stop bitching, and make the time for change. You have no problem wanting everyone to feel like you've accomplished something "protesting" by sitting in a park. Get to work or shut the hell up.

If it pisses you off, it's true. It's damn true.

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