
CloudMJ · @CloudyMJ

21st Jul 2010 from Twitlonger


This is about the Twitter Trend that's gonna hold on this 24th Saturday 9.00pm Seoul time....
Following link includes the time recommended for each country.

Please show your gratitude towards Rain
by Trending WeBelieveInRain on 24th Saturday for two hours (at minimum).

Remember to RT (Retweet)every message that includes WeBeliveInRain so that it'll make a high flow.
We need at least 100 tweets per minute to make a good noise.. Cloud goal is to make it a worldwide Twitter Trend ^^~~~~ Aja Aja Hwaiting!!!!

PLEASE SPREAD TwitterTrend:- WeBelieveInRain Tweet & RT for two hours at the time shown on this world clock

We would be glad if any of you could do a write up for non-Eng cloud

For further info contact:
@Isilvalie @Kosayeborain @88Dree @SiliRain @mlahn @Takisubi

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