Today I watched all these old videos of Justin. It felt like it did the first time I saw him, all over again. Something happened inside me, this feeling that you can't really describe. I call the feeling: Bieber Fever!

I kept on watching videos of Justin, until I reached all these new videos. There was still a feeling inside me, like small butterflies having fun in my tummy, but THAT feeling was not there anymore. I'm not sure what it was, but something made me cry.

That Justin from One Time, smiling, laughing, goofing, flirting, he is not there anymore. The Justin I see today is sexy, mature, smart and I do love it, no doubt!
But I feel like something is missing. (While I'm writing this I'm balling my eyes out) I don't want to sound like one of those fake Beliebers, I love Justin, I really, really do! But he changed, and you all know that! I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, but I feel that all this drama is breaking the Belieber family, and that would break my heart. I love you guys, you're like my 2nd family, and I can't live without you!<3

I think that when Believe is being released, THAT specific feeling will come back! that's my biggest wish!
But please Beliebers, listen to me: don't let this tear all this drama everywhere tear us apart! Justin has changed, but what about the Beliebers?
It's your decision, only YOURS, if you will keep supporting Justin, which I of course hope you will!

My point is, let Justin work, don't bring him down with all the drama. Let him make new music, let him love, let him have fun and let him make mistakes, without judging him! Let him bring back THAT feeling that brought all of us together, that feeling that you can't describe. You know why? -'cause I love THAT feeling, I love my family: Beliebers and I love Justin Drew Bieber, my idol, my hero, my inspiration, my dream guy and me heart!
-Astrid, @TrueKennySwag
(Belieber from Denmark, Europe)

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