
PropaGaga · @PropaGaga

29th Aug 2011 from Twitlonger

For anybody wondering what Gaga/Jo's performance was about, here is an explanation. Credit to @KuntyPerry -

"Osho was a professor of philosophy who spoke about his theory on life and how we struggle to discover who we are inside ourselves. Now, with that said, Carl Jung was a psychologist who wrote about the individuation process - becoming aware of one's true, inner self. Specifically it's the process of realization. We think we know who we are, but that's just our persona -"a mask that pretends individuality."

Before the process of individuation can begin, one must acknowledge the repressed characteristics of the ego, or center of consciousness. Jung defined the repressed characteristics of our ego as our "shadow." This represents desires and emotions outside the norms of society. We all have a "Shadow." But we typically suppress feelings aroused by our "Shadow," so these feelings remain unconscious-but they are there. Once a person becomes aware of their true conscious feelings they become aware of the unconscious as well, or anima vs. animus.

In Gaga's case, what she is trying to say is she's aware of her "inner man," the drive that keeps her motivated-masculine inner personality. Basically, it's not acceptable for a woman to express masculine characteristics-even though we all have them-so they stay in the unconscious. Just like a man suppresses feminine characteristics, such as sensitivity & emotions. But, the qualities are still there, in the unconscious. By creating Jo Calderone, Lady Gaga has made her masculine inner personality an actual human being, no longer suppressing her unconscious. And by unconscious I mean the qualities that make her the strong female she is. She's female-but her masculine inner personality drives her. Lady Gaga will reveal her masculine inner personality, the unconscious masculine psychological qualities that drive her -- Jo Calderone"

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