hey guys I am just writing this to tell you something!

I dont want any hate or anything at the end of the day it is MY opinion!
I found this pic on tumblr and it said

'I saw what you reblogged and same happend to me a few days ago! I gave Niall a letter and he asked with a sad face 'is it for harry?' I looked suprised at him and said it was for him. Then he laughed really shy as if he couldnt believe he just got a letter so I went 'and you're my cute little hero,your beautiful' and he stared at me like he didnt believe it! Omg i felt so Heart-broke'

Guys how could anyone let this happen? I know harry gets all the attention but Niall is apart of the band as well! some so called fans are hating on his teeth and he wouldnt take off his top in the video cos he is insecure about his body! He doesnt feel like he is liked Also I was talking to a fan and she met the boys a couple of weeks ago and she said all the fans went to Liam Harry and Zayn and that Louis and Niall were standing there all sad cos none of the fans went near them! That fan didnt go to Harry Zayn or Liam she went straight To Niall and Louis!

after I saw that video i felt like crying! I know when I meet the boys in 4 weeks Im going to Niall straight away and im gonna tell him how perfect he is! everyone should make him feel loved and we should all tweet him about how beautiful he is! He is perfect in everyway and haters can fuck off! There is nothing wrong with Niall!

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