Pilot Watch #ONCEUPONATIME (ABC) - What happens when the Fairy Tale world enters our Modern world? That's the concept of the new ABC series Once Upon a Time.

I'll admit, I didn't expect to like this. But I ended up changing my tone.

Jennifer Morrison (aka Cameron from HOUSE) stars as Emma Swan. On her birthday, she gets a knock at her door from her son who she gave up for adoption years ago.

Emma holds the key between the Fairy Tale world and the Real World. The Fairy Tale world was put under a curse by the Queen, so there would be "no more happy endings". Since then, all the fairy tale characters are now residence of the town of Storybrooke, and they don't remember their identities. Now Emma turns out to be connected to the Fairy Tale world in a very cool way.

Now don't let the theme fool you, this will please adults. Morrison's performance is great, and she finally gets a chance to lead after years in the background on House and How I Met Your Mother. The characters and storylines are very interesting, and the writing is also strong.

I want to see more. However, I worry about the longevity of the series. You would think the writers would have to have an ending in mind, right? Can they stretch it more than 1 season? It'll be interesting what they do.

Once Upon of Time airs on a extremely busy Sunday night (if you include Cable TV as well). I would definitely recommend catching this live, or at least PVR it.

This is actually my favorite ABC Drama Pilot out of the bunch this year.

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