@mirya5 @crystalsuicune OK, I'll try to type this explanation as simple as I can. To put it simply, we have been writing up a story based on the characters that you have drawn. We have used the multiple character sheet as the reference: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=15161009 . We have been writing the story since 1月. We have been very amazed by your characters, and we have indirectly also become a fan of your art. @crystalsuicune was drawing her own characters then based on the style of your characters. Then using your characters and @crystalsuicune 's characters for the 2000 series and some other characters, I have wrote a story about a world where these characters existed. I have coined the term 'chibianthros' to refer to the characters (short for "Chibi Anthropomorphic" ). A one line description of the story: it revolves around a journey that Ryougen decided to go on. Currently there are 6 Chapters that I have completed and posted in the Taiko thread at osu!. However, all of those chapters have assumed all along that our predicted details about the characters were correct. This is why we were very shocked when we suddenly found out about Ryougen being female; ever since the first time we saw your drawing back in 12月, all of us thought that Ryougen was male. So when you told us that Ryougen was female a few weeks ago, our shock appeared. For now, I am still working on rewriting the 6 Chapters I have wrote in order to clear up the fact that Ryougen is indeed female. After that, I will proceed to finish the storyline that would last an estimated 30 chapters. Along the way, me and @crystalsuicune were then exchanging ideas for the possible details of the story. However, we are still basing it mainly on the artwork that you have been doing; we consider your characters as the 'official' characters. This is why @crystalsuicune was very shocked when you suddenly revealed your own version of Kyouki, as that would mean that her own Kyouki character which she drew a lot of weeks before yours, would have to be replaced by yours. So as the story we have been making mainly involves @crystalsuicune 's characters for the 2000 series, me and her are very worried if you will make characters for the 2000 series.

I'm sorry if this has been a bit hard to read for you... I also apologize for not telling you earlier about the story that we have been writing for a while. We are just so inspired by your drawings...

I hope you understand... I will try to get someone to translate this in Japanese properly if it is a bit too hard to understand.

Again, I'm sorry for any trouble that this may have caused...

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