
Steph K. · @Steph_in_NC

26th Jul 2011 from Twitlonger

MAJOR SICK PERSON RANT: I never post a "twitlonger" y'all but I can't vent on fb so I have to do it here or I'll explode. I normally am a very giving person...I support all causes and don't think my illness is any harder or painful than anything anyone else is dealing with. We all have our own problems no matter the severity. HOWEVER...if you live in my town and are my friend...and I have BEGGED you for months and months to not even donate, but just freaking WALK with me in my Lupus walk (which I have begged for 3 years now, but we won't even go there)and you ignore me like I don't even exist, and THEN you have the f'ing BALLS to send me a fb invite to attend a walk for a friend of yours that you are hosting that has a $20.00 entry fee to pay for a $27,000 cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin from her weight loss????? Sister, friend, you have up and lost your damn mind!! I fight to live every day of my life. I fight to stay out of the hospital every day of my life. I fight to have a chance to see my kids grow up and have families of their own. If you can't be bothered to walk with me as a friend to find a cure to one day save my life and the life of millions of others who suffer daily just like me....then I sure as hell am not paying $20 to walk so she can fit into a size 6. That's it. Rant over.

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