
Jaana · @LiebeLove_

25th Jul 2011 from Twitlonger

Idea is to make world's biggest JEDWARD fanletter and you can be a part of it.

As you all know Grimes twins are soon celebrating their 20st birhtday. 16/10. Well, this is birthday gift at the same time.

Jedward's fan letter will be longer than 45m


All the fans around the world can show how much love Jedward
Do you want to say to Jedward "Happy Birthday", "Thank you everything", "Victory album is awesome" etc. or write a poem or draw? All is possible! You are free and can really write/do/draw what you want touching Jedward! Be creative =;)

1 or 2 persons per country take a responsible who will get all the fanletters of their country together and that person sends all the letters to me.

If you want to be the responsible for your country, DM me

Everyone can be a part of longest Jedward's fan letter. Use A4 paper and as much as you want/need. The more the better.

Tweet and support
Please support this project in your blog or fansite. Tweet and tell your JEDfriends ♥ This is something big and unforgettable gift for Jedward. We can do this together with our energy and love. Well, please support this project.

Thank you,

Jaana @Liebelove_

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