Exclusive David Archuleta's interview(with Tuoi Tre Newspaper - the Youth newspaper) on July 21st, 2011


David Archuleta: This is the first time I’ve been in Vietnam. Through my fans I have already known about your country a long time ago. Now I’m feeling excited but I’m nervous, too. I don’t know how the show is going to be. Hope everything will be okay. “Xin chao Vietnam.Cam on” (“Hello Vietnam. Thank you.” – he said it in Vietnamese)
-Can you tell me about the show tonight? Is there going to be anything special in it?
David: Sorry but I can’t tell you, that will be a surprise. However I think people can go there and enjoy the “real music”, that means feeling the beat, the lyrics of the songs and dancing along with it.
-Many people said that American pop is too “sexy” for the time being, what do you think of that?
-David: Really? I usually sing pop music, so am I sexy? (Laughed) Well I think it’s not a big problem. There’re still songs that have positive meaning.
-You came to Asia for your tour this time, so according to you what are the differences between the American listeners and the Asian listeners?
-David: I think we’re already born in differences, aren’t we? We are the individuals and of course our music hobbies are not the same. Maybe the American teenagers like to listen to dancing music more than the Asian teenagers. But what I realize through the tours I’ve had is that the music passion’s what we all have in common. No matter where you’re from, how you look like, what kind of language you use, the music through it all has the power to connect people together.
-After American Idol 2008, you became a famous and a much-loved singer. Do you have any preparation for that?
-David: I was very happy and a little bit “shock” with the love that fans gave me in the American Idol. After that, I also had some psychological preparation about the fame I’m going to have. I had some difficulty choosing a way to move on. I like writing music, playing instruments and also singing. I was pretty confused on what I would be, a musician, a singer or an instrument player. But now it seems okay to me. I accompany on the piano and I sing songs that I wrote.
-You are currently following the young, gently pop music. Do you think some day you will change it?
-David: With me, music is born within the life’s creativity. Music also gives you the new and inspirational experiences. I’m not sure about changing my kind of music, but what life gave me, I would give it into my music.
-Do you see yourself changing anything since you’ve become famous?
-David: Basically, I think I’m still me, but of course I’ve experienced a lot. In the last five years of my life I had some positive changes actually: I’m not afraid of being taken photos anymore, I’m more confident, I’m talking a lot now, and I’m able to do more things that I want.
-You had published the book “Chords of Strength”. It’s a very interesting book. Will you continue to write the next part of the book?
-David: Oh I wrote that book when I was 18. It’s a chance for me to share the teenage problem that I’ve been through. It’s a meaningful time for everyone, when they give big decisions. And yes, I’ve thought about publishing the next part of the book, maybe from the diary’s pages that I am writing, in this tour.
-What’s your plan for future, David?
-David: I’m going for an Asian tour. Thanks to that I’ve already had some inspiration to write a song for the Asian fans, and it’s just completed last week. When this tour has ended, I am coming back to America and continuing my music projects. I want to write more meaningful songs.
-Thank you, David Archuleta!

There's still 3 private interviews. If you want more, I'll keep working on it :)

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