#SherlockHolmes Jeremy Brett fan letter to himself. Gotta love him.

>>>> David Burke originally told this at the Northern Musgraves' Jeremy Brett Memorial Lunch.

Jeremy said to me on one occasion:

- I was feeling so low the other day that I sent myself a fan letter.

- Are you serious?

- I'm absolutely serious.

- What did you write to yourself?

- "Dear Jeremy,
I would just like to say what a wonderful actor you are. Your Sherlock Holmes puts every other attempt at the part in the shade. Basil Rathbone is not fit to clean your boots; and Douglas Wilmer and Robert Stephens should beg you to give them lessons. You're much prettier than all of them, for a start. There is only one word for your performance — magic. Please send me a signed photograph.
Yours, Joe Bloggs.
P.S. I've heard that you're really a nice person, too."

- Did you really write that?

- Yes, I did.

- Did you send it?

- Yes. I put a first-class stamp on it. I wanted to get it as soon as possible. It came the next morning.

- And did you read it?

- Of course I read it. I read it a dozen times. I felt wonderful afterwards.

- Well, did you send yourself a signed photograph?

- David, I may be mad — but I'm not barking mad!

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