
Hedami · @hedami

4th Jun 2011 from Twitlonger

@Chuq sent me a long email with updates on the various issues. I appreciate him taking the time in the wee hours of the morning (close to 3am).

Here's an update on the various issues:

- Media permissions bug: He said Gray sent me an update but I never received it. I emailed Gray and hopefully will get an update

- 2.1 "incompatible devices" not able to see 2.x apps after they're updated: He gave a detailed update on the origins of this issue, but basically it's a bug and they're working on fixing it. He said it may be fixed Monday, but couldn't promise for sure.

- 2.0.1 devices not able to download Remix: He also gave a detailed background on this issue. It was related to their original intention of upgrading 1.4.x devices to 2.x and the issues they faced there. He said they're working on a fix for this but couldn't estimate when that would be.

- Download stats and "failed transactions" incorrect: He didn't provide an update on this issue. I wrote him back asking if he could update the dev community.

- Communication issues: He acknowledged that communication has been an issue and they'll be working on it. I reiterated the importance of communication. I also reiterated the importance of supporting their existing Mojo users and developers considering that all devices currently being sold are Mojo (2.x).

- Bug/issue tracking: He said they're in the process of developing an issue tracking system. They'll have one ready in-house in a few weeks and then will roll it out to developers.

- Out-dated forum: Once the issue tracking system is complete, the forum will be updated.

I'm going to ping Chuq again next week for updates on the issues. And hopefully Gray can provide me an update on the "media permissions" bug.

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