15th Apr 2011 from Twitlonger


Wanted to pass along this important message received from William Wagener. If you are not familiar or not subscribed to his YT channel...Please take look and do so. WW is a man that exposes the untold truths about corruption wherever it lies. Be it political, social or environmental. His vision and mission where he needs our support and assistance to clear Michael Jackson's name and legacy... Both publicly and importantly through mainstream media's eyes. Is to expose the corruption that Tom Sneddon and his crew conspired to derail, dehumanize and dismantle a man of LO.V.E. It is time for Tom Sneddon and all those involved be exposed. Let the domino effect begin!! WW has set up The MJJ Innocent Forever Foundation, a Website coming soon and he will have a USA conference call in number. Stay tuned for MORE details to come. It is NOW time for BELIEVERS/NON-BELIEVERS to join as ONE---YES, all of MJJ's ARMY of L.O.V.E to STAND & UNITE for JUSTICE!!

Those who are able to translate in other languages PLEASE do so and forward to everyone. Post everywhere. Blogs, forums, FB, Myspace, Twitter and etc. Encourage everyone to subscribe to William Wagener's YT channel for all updates.


William Wagener's-3/26/11 message:

I was on the Road doing interviews, investigating Senator Nancy Schaefers murder
and related TV show matters, and stopped to meet with MJJ fans in Miami, Atlanta
and some very small towns. I just uploaded my clips from last Nights LIVE TV show on Nancy Schaefer's murder. so all can see world wide... She was another Victim like MJJ
Trying to do good for children in an Evil world were people and systems in Government hurt children.


WE have the Corporation shell in PLACE.

The Name is:

"MJJ Innocent Forever foundation."

The CPS will open a account this Week at a bank to take donations to that name.
I still need a WEB master to construct the WEB site to take donation TO THAT ACCOUNT
and Hope to have a web page with translations in 10 languages on the WEB site, to make
it accessible to MJJ Fans in most languages.

HOPE to have a conf. call set up by NEXT SATURDAY for all who are interested to call into a USA number, to talk briefly. Next Saturday. Much Same INFO will be NEW on
the WEB site.

Lastly looking for 2 members per State, or Nation of the Board of MJJ I F F to be apart
of the communications each for their state or nation.

I thank you all , 14+ for calling me this morning.

Goal : 1. Produce the documentary that shows the Truth of the 05 trial, media bias
Hopefully raising $10 Million + from One Million MJJ Fans, who can then
honestly say, "I helped produce that documentary, I gave"
2. Put it on USA nationally and especially repeat on Santa Barbara County TV
3. Then put it on Other Nations TV, with ad money raised from first National showing
4. Create the de jure GRAND JURY in Santa BARBARA County to INDICT
Tom Sneddon and Ron Zonen and collaborators, and deliver a TRUE BILL of INDICTMENT to the the SHERIFF for Arrest of Sneddon, Zonen, etc.

This has rarely ever been done, but it can be done. At least we should try for sake of Justice.

5. If the Plan generates enough money, then It would be up to the Volunteer Board
to select another film project in keeping with revealing Truth, the Media ignores.

Please Copy this message and translate and pass it on. The Time to PUSH back against Criminals in OFFICE, like Tom Sneddon, is now.

Don't lose faith!!!
God bless you all.

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