15th Apr 2011 from Twitlonger

just wanna take the time out to say something bout my album, i spent the same amount of time and put the same amount of effort in writing and recording every song. i didn't want everyone to just listen to the title and not really care about the other songs, i wanted each and every song to be a classic in its own way and i want this album to be a classic album, a real piece of artwork that i put my everything into. Even if its not the most successful album still want them to be good songs and songs that i'm proud of. Songs that you wont get sick of even if you hear it a 100 times for many months!! This music is the music i want to do most importantly and the music that represents me, HOPEFULLY you all enjoy it when it comes out in a couple weeks

그냥이번앨범 이타이틀도그렇고 일곱곡다버릴고없다고말하고싶었어요, 타이틀아니라고 덜신경쓰고이런거없고 일곱곡다 똑같이신경썼어요. 완전대박안나더라고 그냥 사람들이내가하는음악을이해하고 좋아해주시면만족할것같아요. 이번에제가하고싶었던음악, 나의색깔 확실히보여줄수있는기회가있어서 너무좋고자랑스럽습니다. 한곡한곡들을때 나의 "SOUL" 이느껴졌스면좋겠고 각자곡의매력을느꼈스면좋겠고, 한달만듣고 지릴노래들은아니였으면좋겠어요. 이번의 작사다제가했고 작곡도 친구들이랑같이하고 팬여러분의힘을얻고 시작한애범이라 이번앨범 은저한테더욱더 큰의미있고정말진심으로아낍니다. 팬여러분반응이어떨지궁굼해죽겠어요..졸궁 ㅋㅋ

언제나댄서였지만 이번에는음악가재범 도전합니다 ㅋㅋ
이번곡은들을실때 소리크게기우시고 리듬타면서들으면 좋을뜻 ~

oh yeah when you listen to my songs turn the volume loud so you can hear every little thing!! haha
thank you for givin me this opportunity LOVE YALL

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