#Libya #Feb17 The situation in #Misrata - summary and latest news as of 1 hour ago, confirmed and told by people on the ground:

19.03.2011 attack reached the centre of the city, but was pushed back by the fighters apart from snipers situated in 2 streets. The coalition then hit the Gaddafi brigade base, they heard a lot of movement and saw troops driving away. Snipers usually picked up during the night were left there, and fighters managed to scour one street of snipers. 16 were caught.

20.03.2011 witnessed most aggressive attack from 3 directions, but limited to shelling and missiles. Remainders of the brigade push again to the centre of the city by shelling heavily, then spreading snipers behind the tanks to protect from revolutionaries attacking them.
Fighters destroy 3 tanks and Gaddafi forces retreat to one entrance near evacuated central hospital. Snipers remain on street linked to that entrance, most running out of ammo. Entrances and exits of buildings snipers are on have been thoroughly sealed.
At about 7ish local Libya time, a group of Gaddafi thugs in civilian clothing were captured and confessed to whereabouts of the rest of the thugs who are now surrounded. Apparently, they expected to control Misrata by the end of the day and act out a "civil war" tomorrow morning for Libyan TV.

Estimates for the Gaddafi forces taking shelter in Misrata hospital: 11 tanks, couple of jeeps, and 4 toyotas carrying anti aircraft artillery.

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