@maria_fro @marcelo_semer @Tsavkko minha mensagem pro Presidente Estadunidense, diretamente entregue a ele:

Honorable Mr. President of the United States of America @BarackObama
I'm a brazilian citizen and under the power of my Constitution (1)

and the condition of citizen of a State Member of United nations
I respectly come to your presence, to complain your act @Barack Obama (2)

of declaration of war to the Libyan regime on my beloved soil.
Brazil has an international commitment of non-intervention @BarackObama (3)

under the Title 1, article 4, section IV of its
Constitution, thus, it is my personal compromise too @BarackObama (4)

your act of declaration of war on Libyan regime was a great
offense to the dignity of the Brazilian people @BarackObama (5)

and a personal offense to my dignity. If you intended or was
forced to, should have the respect to enter your @BarackObama (6)

Air Force Number One and do it overseas, outside the aerial
space from Brazil @BarackObama (7)

Nor the dignity of all Libyan people should overpass
the dignity of only one Brazilian @BarackObama (8)

Neither of only other human in the whole face
because the dignity of one is the dignity of all @BarackObama (9)

I will urge Brazilian Government for repair on this
shame misconduct of you @BarackObama (10)

I'm awaiting your sincere apologies @BarackObama (11)

Respectfully @sergiorauber @BarackObama (EOM)

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